9 Signs That Prove You Are A Girlie Tomboy

If you have studied in an all-girls school, you will know that girls are generally categorised into two types girlie and tomboy. However, not all girls fall into these specific categories. Some girls tend to be a little girlie and are yet boyish. They are known as ‘Girlie Tomboys’ who don’t like pink but love wearing lipsticks. They do not like watching cricket but enjoy playing basketball with their male friends. So what are the traits of a girlie tomboy?

Here are 9 signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy.


1. You like to dress well but hate shopping.

Signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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You ensure that you look good in whatever you wear but do not dig the idea of owning a closet overflowing with clothes and accessories.


2. You like neither pink nor blue.

Signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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That’s because you like black. There are more colours than just the two, right?


3. You’d miss neither Powerpuff Girls nor Swat Kats.

Signs that prove you are a girlie tomboySigns that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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As a child, you found cute the little triad of Powerpuff girls endearing while the kickass duo of T-Bone and Razor was what you aspired to become when you grew up.


4. You played with neither Barbie nor cars.

Signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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Super Mario and Tetris were the games you spent your entire vacations on.


5. You do not hate or love makeup.

signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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You do not own a collection of colour palettes but you do know how to get the perfect pout or the edgy winged liner.


6. You do not follow cricket but do not mind cheering for team India.

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signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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You may not be an ardent fan of cricket but do not feel bored watching a cricket match. Occasionally, you will also paint your face and cheer for your team especially during the World Cup.


7. You enjoy romance and thrillers equally.

signs that prove you are a girlie tomboysigns that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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The Notebook may be your all time favourite movie but Fight Club isn’t far behind on your favourite movies list.


8. Malls or sports clubs are equally tiring.

signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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Spending a day at the mall seems like a punishment while sweating it out for a tennis match is excessively tiring. You would rather pick a book and spend the whole day in your favourite reading spot.


9. One Direction and Eminem both feature on your most played list.

signs that prove you are a girlie tomboy
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You don’t exactly swoon over Harry’s hair but you do like to dance to ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ while Eminem’s ‘Lose Yourself’ is on auto-repeat.


If you could relate to even half of the above points then you are neither girlie nor a tomboy, well you are a mixture of both. A little bit of this and a little bit of that.


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