Murphy’s Law of Love Review: Nothing New Yet Something Worth A Watch

‘Murphy’s Law of Love’ is a very popular Taiwanese drama that I never intended to watch. Even though it dealt with my favourite drama cliché trope (hate-to-love), I did not want to watch it. Mainly because I thought, it would be the same angry rude boss falling for the poor hapless hard-working employee. But, when I was craving some sweet romance and was left with absolutely no option, I decided to go for this drama. I was wrong about the boss-employee angle. But, I was on point when it came to other aspects. The story started exactly how I thought it would with the two leads disliking each other while the second leads desperate to have their attention. But then it took a drastic turn that I never saw coming. The drama gives certain insights into relationships that you are forced to question the purpose of relationships both romantic or otherwise.

Murphy’s Law of Love (2015) (31 Episodes)

Murphys Law Of Love Review

Guan Xiao Tong (Ivelyn Lee) is a psychologist who firmly believes she is cursed and that her life follows ‘Murphy’s Law’ according to which anything that is supposed to go wrong will go wrong. After a break-up, she takes up the job of a relationship expert at a match-making company and also runs a love blog offering relationship advice to people. One day she happens to bump into a grouchy divorce lawyer Ji Jia Wei (Danson Tang) who lost faith in love after being dumped by his long-time girlfriend. They instantly dislike each other until Xiao Tong happens to unintentionally helps Jia Wei save his client’s life. Her selfless and helpful nature moves him and he slowly starts to fall for her.

Let’s weigh Guan Xiao Tong and Ji Jia Wei’s roller-coaster love story on our drama beam balance and find out the highs and lows of this drama.

Good Weights

I enjoyed watching Murphy’s Law of Love because…

…the lead couple chemistry was good. The most essential part of a romantic drama is good chemistry which actors Ivelyn Lee and Danson Tang evidently shared.

Murphys Law Of Love Review

The drama has a ton of those sweet lover moments which will make your heart flutter and the two leads look absolutely adorable in those scenes. The height difference only adds to their cuteness. All the typical scenes you love watching in dramas are all in here for you to feel warm and cozy.

Murphys Law Of Love Review

Murphys Law Of Love Review

…even though highly clichéd, the plotlines were interesting enough to keep you invested. The first half of the drama deals with building a relationship between Guan Xiao Tong and Ji Jia Wei and the second half is dedicated to dealing with the lows or challenges that every relationship faces. It shows how easy it is to lose oneself to love and how it takes a lot of effort and maturity to regain your lost confidence.

Murphys Law Of Love Review

Guan Xiao Tong and Ji Jia Wei are both nursing a broken heart and have their own ways to deal with it. Where Xiao Tong picks herself up and uses the unpleasant experience to help others build new relationships, Xiao Tong becomes bitter and helps people break difficult and toxic marital union. When such opposites come together they both have something learn and teach one another. 

Bad Weights

I did NOT LIKE Murphy’s Law of Love because…

…Danson Tang had that incredulous look on his face all the time.

Murphys Law Of Love Review

I get it that he is not the best actor out there but how come the director did not rebuke him for making that expression all the time?

Murphys Law Of Love Review

He was good in the drama. I liked him. All of him minus that incredulous look.

…the weak second-lead seemed out of place and forced. Now I’m not talking about the acting skill but the actual purpose of the Jia Wei’s competition and second-lead Xiang Zi Yan (Jolin Chien).

Murphys Law Of Love Review

Zi Yan’s existence has no base and he is there only there where Jia Wei isn’t. He loves and understands Xiao Tong but she (like every drama heroine) has zero, zilch, nada interest in him. Second-leads usually have some presence in a drama and seem like a real threat to the main lead. Zi Yan, however, was a very poorly written character who seemed lost throughout the drama.

Murphys Law Of Love Review


…like every Taiwanese drama certain scenes were dragged mercilessly. As exciting as T-dramas can be they can also be draggy. But after watching several T-dramas I now know what to avoid so I jump through scenes that I know hardly add to the drama. I did so in this drama too but mostly in the second-half. The first half was relatively more interesting.



The drama scores good on lead couple chemistry, music, and dialogues. The story is nothing new but what adds freshness to it is the insight it gives on love and life. The drama is heavily flawed but is still worth watching.     

I give Murphy’s Law of Love 3 out of 5 rating. This drama is for romance lovers and nobody else. It will show you the sad but true ups and downs of a relationship. Guan Xiao Tong and Ji Jia Wei will keep you engaged in their love story. Do give this drama a try.


Image Courtesy: I do not own any of the above images or Gif. Copyright lies with its respective owner. 


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