10 K-Drama Tropes We Are Tired Of Watching

Drama tropes are the building blocks of our drama world. And if you have been watching dramas for a while then by now you must be acquainted with a few tropes already. We all have our favorites and then there are tropes that we can barely tolerate. There are tropes that we are tired of watching and wish to be done with once and for all. Following are some drama tropes that our drama world has had enough of and can do without it too.

10 KDrama Tropes We Are Tired Of Watching

1. Rude male lead

I once believed that ruder the guy, hotter he is. After watching over a ton of dramas, my opinion is no longer is the same. Snobby boys are not cool and arrogance is not sexy. What’s worse is that the second lead is often the one who treats the female lead with respect and kindness. But she will still pick the snobby boy over the sweet second lead. Whyyyyyyyy? Always remember, affection can never go out of fashion.

2. Workoholic turns stalker

In a regular drama, there will be a boss who is a workaholic and can hardly spare time for himself. But the moment he falls for a girl, he suddenly has all the time in the world to stalk her and chase after her. I always wonder what happened to the work that used to keep him busy. Who does that now?

3. Blind dates with the wrong person

How does a poor girl meet a rich boy and make him fall for her? Umm… Let her have a rich friend who offers to pay for going on a blind date instead of her and then booom!! Just like that, the rich male lead falls for the poor girl on the first date itself. There you have your Cinderella story. Ugh!! I don’t understand why these “friends” cannot go to the blind date themselves? How difficult is it to deliberately ruin a date?

4. Past connection

The one trope that I used to like at first but am weary of it now is that of the leads having a past connection. In a drama, the leads will come to a point where they realise they know each other from before and that they have crossed paths in the past. There is an old connection between them that they realise only later in life. Sometimes its okay but sometimes the connection seems so forced that it makes me roll my eyes in despair.

5. Love triangle

I have seen love triangles in so many dramas that now I feel love triangles should be completely banned from drama world. I mean its overdone and too much to take. Even the most clumsiest of female leads will have two men vying for her attention. This trope now feels like an essential element of a drama. So, each time a writer sits to write a drama, he ensures there is a plot, there are characters, and then there is a love triangle. No matter the genre.

6. Rich family means broken family

Somehow, a lot of the rich male leads in dramas come from broken families or families that lack love. Sometimes the family members may also be at each other’s throats for money and property. And in such shows, the female lead almost always comes from a poor but loving and caring family. It’s a given that if you have money, you can’t have a loving family while someone who lacks money has to have a close-knit family and love in abundance.   

7. Unconfident girls are attractive

I understand that men have a natural instinct to protect the one they love. But why do drama leads love damsels in distress so much? If you notice, in a lot of dramas the female will be financial unstable and in need of money while the second female lead or the negative female character will be a rich and confidant woman. I hate it when successful women are shown to be rejected by men who are after some woman who need help with everything in life.  

8. Poor characters wear fashionable clothes and own the latest gadgets

The funniest aspect of a drama is when a character is supposedly poor but wears branded clothes and owns expensive gadgets. They won’t repeat a single outfit but also won’t have money to pay rent or bills. I remember watching this one show in which the guy did not get along with his super rich father so he lived on his own and worked as a construction worker to fund his education. But he owned an expensive sports bike and always wore designer jackets. How??

9. Couples go to an amusement park for a date

I personally LOVE amusement parks so I don’t really have a problem per se but I wish drama writers could come up with better date ideas. Almost every other drama couple I see has to have an amusement park date. Why can’t they go somewhere else? Why not try a place no one else has every tried before? Why not go on a terrace date or a photo shoot date?

10. Characters bump into each other everywhere

This trope is extremely annoying. I can’t stand to see leads “coincidentally” bump into each other every now and then. Sometimes, they happen to be in the same place at the same time multiple times in the show. I always point it out in drama reviews asking if South Korea is really such a small place that you cannot help but meet someone you know at every corner of the road.


Drama tropes are fun and something drama lovers look forward to. But sometimes I wish drama writers could come up with fresh new tropes that would surprise us and we too would have the chance to update our list of favorite drama tropes. 

Feature Image Courtesy: tvN


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