5 Things To DO And NOT TO DO After A Breakup

Breakups are hard. A heartache feels more intense than any other pain in the body because it just refuses to leave you and you cannot pop a pill to make it go away. For some the suffering just never seems to end and life feels too harsh to carry on with. In such circumstances, the downward spiral seems inevitable. But do not worry! There are several ways to keep you from getting caught in the whirlpool of misery.

Here are some DO’s and DON’TS to follow after a breakup that will help mend your heart, lock away the memories and bounce back in life.

DO the digital ex-detox. Block or delete your ex from all your social media accounts. Cut every mode of communication with your ex. The faster you do this the early you manage to de-link yourself.



DON’T stalk your ex virtually or even physically. It is very tempting to keep a tab on your ex and see what he or she is up to. But by doing this, you will only make things difficult for yourself. As mentioned before, keep yourself away from your ex in every way possible.



DO work out and try a new look. Go to the gym or join a yoga class or dance class anything that keeps you occupied. Resolve to invest time in yourself. You can try changing your wardrobe or your hairstyle to not only look but also feel different.



DON’T resort to comfort eating. Never binge on unhealthy food to feel good. It may give you temporary relief but will have a negative impact on your health.

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DO meet old friends. Nothing can be more refreshing than catching up with old buddies. Having a good laugh with friends is any day better than sitting on a couch and watching a comedy movie.



DON’T drunk dial. Never ever buzz or text your ex when high on booze. You will end up blurting out things that you will regret later. 



DO expand your social circle. Join discussion groups where you can share your opinions and see what other people have to say about a particular thing. It will help you expand your knowledge.



DON’T watch romantic movies or read romantic novels. This one is a big NO NO. You may be romantic at heart but do not indulge in romantic movies and books just after your breakup. It will make you feel despondent and you may lose faith in love.



DO plan for your future and make a bucket list for yourself. Make a list of things that you want to do for yourself and focus your energy on getting it done. Imagine where would you like to see yourself in a few years time and work towards it.



DON’T daydream about your ex. It is a normal human tendency to imagine stuff especially about people that are not around them. Avoid creating farfetched scenes in your head where you accidently bump into your ex and shout at your ex or see them begging you to take them back. These things do not happen, face it and accept it.

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Everybody has low points in life. It is up to you how fast you get up, dust yourself and get going. 

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