8 Problems You Will Relate To If You Are The Oldest Child
The first-born child always enjoys the whole family’s attention and love. But the VIP treatment lasts only as long as you remain the only child. Once you have a younger sibling, everything changes. You go from being the youngest member of the family to the oldest sibling. You no longer enjoy undivided attention of your parents and are now expected to be a guardian angel to another person. You have to be the best version of yourself all the time only so you can set a good example for your siblings. Yes, being the oldest child is not simple and all those who are, will certainly relate to these 8 problems every eldest child has to go through.
1. You Have To Act Responsible, Even If Are Not
As the eldest sibling, your parents expect you to act responsibly with your younger siblings. However, being born first in the family does not automatically grant you maturity. But your parents won’t really get that, will they?
2. You Are A Role-Model By Default, Even If You Do Not Intend To Be One
Your younger siblings may get away with mischief easily but when it’s you who has done something wrong, the horrified look on your parents face will remind you of the point right above this one. As the eldest child, you will be expected to set a good example for your younger siblings which is why bad behaviour is unpardonable for you.
3. You Will Be Yelled At For Every Mistake, Even If It Wasn’t Your Mistake
Younger brother breaks a vase, it’s your fault, you should have paid attention to him. Younger sister breaks a leg in school, it’s your fault, you should have kept an eye on her. Younger brother scores less in exams, it’s your fault, you should have helped him in his studies. Younger sister loses her book, it’s your fault, you should have taught her how to take care of one’s belongings. So basically, everything is your fault.
4. You Cannot Use Your Textbooks Roughly, Even If You Want To
If the age gap between you and your sibling is less then you will most likely be handing down your books to him or her. You will be expected to cover your textbooks neatly and use them like as if no one ever touched them only so that your sibling doesn’t have any problem reading them.
5. You Will Have To Take Your Younger Sibling Out With You, Even If You Do Not Want To
Almost every older sibling has had the experience of an annoying sibling forcibly tagging along. All your younger sibling has to do is tell your mother how much he or she wants to visit the fair and zhooop, you and your friends have company to the fair.(I am guilty of doing this ;))
6. You Will Be A Style Icon, Even If You Do Not Wish To Be One
Your sibling will look up to you for style tips and may even end up copying your dressing style. After a certain age, you will notice your jacket, pants, and shoes missing as the stealer is your secret wannabe clone.
7. You Have To Be A Guide, Even When You Yourself Are Directionless
David Burch | Getty Images
Your siblings may come to you for advice and guidance on all sorts of topics and in such a situation you have to be prepared to give the right advice as you do not want to lose your credibility as the older sibling. You may not be a great student yourself, but you will always be giving studying tips to your younger siblings.
8. You Will Be Kept In The Loop In Family Matters, Even When You Do Not Want To
Jon Feingersh | Blend Images | Getty Images
Your parents will often ask you for your opinion before taking any major decision. You will also be informed about a lot of family secrets that your siblings may not be aware of. At times it is good to know stuff but sometimes you feel you want to be treated like your younger siblings and not be expected to mature too soon.
Though I am the middle child I am also an elder sister to a younger sibling which is why I can totally understand how it feels to have a little one look up to you. If I have missed any point you are always welcome to add it down in the comment section. Let’s share our ‘older’ sibling problems with all the older siblings out there.
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