Beauty Subscriptions In India

Are you a beauty junkie? Do you like to try out new beauty products and cosmetics? Do you love receiving surprise gifts? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions then read on, this post might just interest you.

Beauty subscription services have been growing in India over the past few years. These beauty subscription websites have their unique line of brands and products to offer. Let’s learn a little more about these services.

What is beauty subscription?

Beauty subscription (aka beauty sampling process) is a monthly service where you receive beauty products selected by the website for trial and promotion purposes. These beauty boxes or bags follow certain theme every month according to which they send you some sample sized and some full sized products that you can try out for yourself.

Who benefits from these beauty subscriptions?

These subscriptions are a win-win deal for both, the buyer and the seller. As a buyer you are not only introduced to various beauty brands, you also get to test their samples before you invest in the full-sized product. For the sellers, these beauty boxes are a way to reach their target consumer by gaining their trust through their tested samples.

How much do I have to pay?

The subscription amount is different for each website. Each website offers a certain  specialized range of products. You can check out the website and see which one suits you. However, with so many different beauty subscriptions out there it is a little confusing to select the best deal for yourself. So, here is a list of the most popular beauty subscriptions available in India and their price range.


1. My Envy Box

My Envy Box

This beauty box is known to send 4-5 sample sized beauty products mostly from luxury brands. The best part about this website is that they ask you to fill in a short questionnaire to create your beauty profile through which it understands your preferences and sends you the best available option. They often send perfumes samples, makeup products and other grooming items.

Price: Monthly Subscription – ₹ 850/-

Quarterly Subscription – ₹ 2250/-

Six Month Subscription – ₹ 4350/-

Annual Subscription – ₹ 8500/-

For more details check out the website –

Here is a review of January 2016 My Envy Box.



2. Fab Bag

Fab Bag

The USP of Fab Bag is that it offers some really good brands at an affordable rate. Every month they offer around 3-4 makeup and grooming products in line with the ongoing theme of the website. Additionally, they also let you select one product of your choice that you would like to receive in your bag. Regular subscribers also get discounts on the other products available on their website.

Price: Monthly Subscription – ₹ 599/-

Quarterly Subscription – ₹ 1599/-

Six Month Subscription – ₹ 2899/-

Annual Subscription – ₹ 4999/-

For more details check out the website –

Here is a review of January 2016 Fab Bag.



3. Lady Raga

Lady Raga

Lady Raga started its first subscription box in September 2015 and since then its subscribers have only been growing. Lady Raga not only sends makeup and lifestyle products but also sends accessories and jewelry items. However, this subscription box does not always come in a box. You will sometimes receive a small bag or a pouch that can be used other purposes.  

Price: Monthly Subscription – ₹ 666/-

Quarterly Subscription – ₹ 1849/-

Six Month Subscription – ₹ 3595/-

Annual Subscription – ₹ 6666/-

For more details check out the website –

Here is a review of January 2016 Lady Raga.



4. MSM Box


The most economical box of all the beauty subscriptions, MSM (My Style Mile) box mostly contains herbal products. Its products are made of natural ingredients, so if you prefer natural products then MSM box will suit you. Some boxes (only some) get a bonus product in addition to the other products in the box.

Price: MSM Express Box (1 Month) – ₹ 495/- (free shipping only on orders above ₹ 600/-)

MSM Select Box (1 Month) – ₹ 995/-

MSM Rose Box (Anniversary Edition) – ₹ 995/-

MSM Diva Box (1 Month) – ₹ 1995/-

For more details check out the website –

Here is a review of January 2016 MSM Express Box.


These were the four most popular beauty subscription in India. Apart from these, there are several more subscription services catering to different needs. You can also explore the following websites specializing in products like jewelry and clothing.

Embellishment Box – A subscription service for jewellery pieces.

Pinc Box – A lingerie service box.

Scent Box – A perfume and fragrance box.

Being Juliet – A box full of sanitary essentials and comforters for monthly periods.

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