Boys Over Flowers Season 2: Episode 5

Issa welcomes the famous model Megumi. But she walks right past him towards Haruto. Haruto looks surprised seeing her advance in his direction. She then cups his face and asks him if they have met before. Startled, he brushes off her hands and turns to look at Ota who feels a tinge of jealousy seeing the beautiful model look so facsinated by Haruto. He then asks to have a word with Ota and they both leave the hall.

Haruto then apologises to Ota for being rude to her when she tried to help find Airi. She says if it is about Tenma then it’s OK as she did not feel bad about it. Surprised, he asks her then what makes her so angry? Irritated, she replies that she is not angry at all.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

He asks her to quit making angry faces at him and she counters that he should quit it too because she saw how he made a face so Megumi could hold him longer. He justifies that he was startled and did not even like her cold touch. She retorts that even if Megumi’s’ touch was cold she still is a beautiful model. Annoyed, he rebukes her for linking him with a model who is nowhere close to his standard of women. They continue to bicker till Ota leaves exasperated.

She gives him a cold shoulder even after the exhibition has started and he too makes no attempts at talking to her. After the exhibition, Airi suggests they go to a hot spring which is reserved for VIP’s attending the exhibition.

Ota enjoys the bath alone while waiting for Airi. The management lady happens to accidentally change the boards of the men and women entrance. Haruto then heads to the men’s section of the bath and is surprised to find a girl there. The girl then turns to face him and rises from the bath upon seeing him. Haruto is stunned to see Megumi naked and he screams in fright and slips over the floor. Megumi runs out naked to help him and he ends up fainting after seeing her completely naked. (Whaaaaaaaaaat? hahahahahhaah…. he actually passed out after seeing a naked lady? Like seriously? How old is he? Sorry, but this I can’t believe.)

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Ota and Airi leave the hot spring and spot Haruto looking completely dishevelled, mumbling to himself. Airi then suggests he drop Ota home and she leaves them alone. Haruto is still shaken by what happened at the bath and is scared of Ota finding out about it. Ota notices that his hair is damp so she touches it and he turns suddenly which brings their faces close as they share a moment. He tells her that he likes his hair to dry naturally and puts some distance between them.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

He then asks her if it is okay for her to leave so early and she says she has to have dinner with her mother since she is excited to have a new part-time job. Haruto looks puzzled by the term ‘part-time’ and she chuckles. She tells him how depressed her mother was before finding a job and how things are finally looking up for them. Haruto instantly comments that it must be because of the lucky pig that he gave her which snorts out all the bad luck from her life. Amused by his naivety she nods in agreement. She then says that there are a lot of things that he will not understand because he lives in a world completely different from hers. Hurt, Haruto tells her that he may be unaware of a lot of stuff around him but that does not mean he does not understand those things. He asks her to stop building such walls between them as something like this hurts him the most. He then adds that she should not see him as a sensitive person who hurts easily. Just then, his car arrives and they leave together. We then see a man secretly click pictures of Ota and Haruto together.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

In the car, Haruto coughs and she offers him lozenges and eats one herself. With the wrapper, she makes a plane and gives it to him which makes him delighted. (Aww…he is such a little boy to feel happy with the smallest of things.) As he drops her home, her mother comes out and is surprised to see him. Haruto formally introduces himself and politely apologises to her for keeping Ota out till late. Ota is unable to peel her eyes off him as he behaves so respectfully with her mother. After he leaves, her mother gushes about his good manners and says that he spoke so well that her heart skipped a beat and Ota absent-mindedly nods in agreement.

Next day, Airi asks what happened between Haruto and her and she answers that he only dropped her home and nothing else happened. Just then, Haruto arrives and nervously asks Ota to meet him later in the evening.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Airi teases him for asking Ota out on a date and he clarifies that the last time they were at Domyuji’s house they left abruptly which does not feel right so it is better to visit again. She tells him that she has some spare time before her job so she will meet him after school.

We then see Tenma’s mother check out images of Haruto and Ota together.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Megumi arrives at Eitoku Academy to return Haruto’s wallet which he forgot at the hot spring. C5 and everybody else is shocked to hear that Haruto was with Megumi in the hot spring and he quickly clarifies that he went to the women’s’ section by mistake and that the board had been placed for men.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Megumi says him that she finds him familiar because he reminds her of a character of the game or drama named High Guardians that she is totally addicted to.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Everyone at school assumes Megumi to be Haruto’s girlfriend and Ota looks furious by it and she leaves in a huff while Haruto runs after her. He tries to explain his side but she refuses to listen to him.

Megumi feels bad for causing misunderstanding between Haruto and his girlfriend so she urges him to speak honestly to Ota and confess his feelings to her. She asks him to practise with her and speak his heart out to her. He tells Megumi ‘I like you’ and immediately leaves his chair dismissing her idea. Unbeknownst that his mock confession has stirred something in Megumi’s heart.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

At home, Ota’s mother looks devastated as she asks Ota if she is having an affair with Haruto. She shows her the pictures Tenma’s mother Rie sent her and explains that it is wrong of her to do something like this while being engaged to Tenma. Ota says she met Haruto yesterday and should know that there is nothing between them but her mother is unable to ignore the evidence before her. Ota snaps at her mother for making her already difficult life more difficult and then storms out of the house.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

She finds Tenma standing out of her house. He tells her that he came to see her to talk about those images that his mother sent and will ensure that the misunderstanding is clarified. Still grumpy, Ota asks him to leave fearing she might snap at him too. Tenma tells her that he does not mind being hurt as long as it is Ota. Taking her hand in his he says he too wants to see the raw side of her. (Good Lord! you sicko second lead, will stop being so unrealistically nice? You have no idea how you make my heart flutter. Please stop being so perfect!!!)

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

C5 boys barge into Haruto’s room and ask him to start dating Megumi seriously because her appearance in his life has inflated the value of their school as students now look at him in awe for dating a famous model.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Haruto protests saying that he loves Ota and Kaito shuts him down saying that dating Tenma’s girlfriend will take him nowhere and that he does not care about his feelings for a girl. Instead, he must date Megumi for Eitoku’s sake.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Angry, Haruto storms out of the room slamming the door behind which breaks one of his lucky charms. C5 takes that as a premonition for the imminent storm.

At a party, Rie meets Haruto’s father and tells him how her son Tenma’s fiancée Ota has taken fancy of Haruto. She says she will be happy if Haruto takes good care of her and leaves Haruto’s father fuming. When Haruto returns to his room, he is stunned to see his lucky charm broken on the floor.

Meanwhile, Ota and Tenma take a walk in the park when Tenma suggests they go out the coming Sunday. Ota notes that it is not the fourth Sunday yet and he says that their meeting on every fourth Sunday is their parents wish and that he wants to date her without their intervention which is why he wants to meet her.

He drops her home and finds her mother waiting on the porch for her. The moment she sees Tenma she apologises for the pictures and he quickly tells her not to worry as he has already cleared it out with his mother. She then tells Ota to make up with her mother soon and she nods her head.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

At Ota’s convenience store, Haruto’s father visits asking for the directions to a nearby hospital. Ota first asks him about his health and then draws him a map to the place. He returns to his car and tells Kobayashi that Ota is just the way he described, kind and helpful. Crumpling the map in his hand, he adds that her nature does not matter to him as she is not fit to be a part of the Kaguragi family so it is better that Kobayashi does something about it before matters get too serious.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Tenma arrives for his date in a suit and looks at Ota who is dressed casually. She retracts to change for him but he stops her and they head to a boutique to buy clothes for him so they look like an ordinary couple. After trying on a few outfits Tenma finally selects the one Ota likes the best and buys it along with a pretty red artist hat for Ota.

They spend some good time at the aquarium and Ota wonders at how she feels so happy when she is with Tenma and how she might actually fall in love with him.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Just then, people around then rush to see someone. They find Megumi shooting there. Ota tries to avoid her but Megumi spots her and chases after her despite the crowd around her.

Megumi tries to clarify the misunderstanding between Haruto and her but Ota feels awkward discussing Haruto in front of Tenma. Megumi notices Tenma and asks Ota if she is fine with her pursuing Haruto because she feels she is in love with him. With a heavy heart and a clenched fist, Ota replies that she can do whatever she wants as she is not concerned with him.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Tenma tells Ota that Megumi misunderstood him to be her boyfriend. Ota says it makes no difference as they are engaged anyway. He says that their engagement is their parents’ decision not theirs. He sighs that he has no confidence in himself and that there is a wall between them which he will break one by one because he wants to be close to her. (Oh God! Sweet second lead will you stop it already? Stop making that cute puppy dog face and piercing my heart with that gaze. Ota must really be blind to not fall for Tenma and keep thinking of Haruto instead. Stupid female lead. Humph!)

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

That moment Haruto’s face flashes before her eyes and she remembers him saying how the wall between them hurts him the most. She wonders to herself why she happened to see his face at such a moment.  

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Megumi forces her way into Haruto’s room to check on him. Seeing him upset she offers him a hug to help him feel better but he walks right past her. He tells her that he can’t be like this anymore and will confess his feelings to Ota right away. He runs out of his mansion and Megumi follows him.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Meanwhile, Ota apologises to Tenma for building the wall between them and he says that it doesn’t matter as she will always be special for him. He tells her that if she stays by his side he will never leave her. Taking his hand she asks him if he is OK with her current condition and he smiles and says that he doesn’t mind it at all.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Just then, Haruto arrives and sees Ota looking happy with Tenma. Ota tells Tenma she wants to tell everyone proudly that he is her boyfriend. She then asks him if he would like to date her and he happily agrees. They both blush like the silly teenagers that they are while the heartbroken Haruto looks longingly at Ota.

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5

Boys Over Flowers Season 2 Episode 5




I don’t understand what pleasure these writers derive from making us swoon over the perfect second lead when we all know the lady is going to pick the imperfect main lead in the end. Tenma is such a sweetheart that it still makes me doubt his intentions. I really dunno but just like Haruto said in one of the previous episodes that he does not look like a genuine person. Of course, I love Tenma but there is still something off about him. I may be wrong and must be doubting him unnecessarily but I still feel there is more than just his loving side to him.

Coming to the new character Megumi, let me be blunt and say that I HATE her. Not because she is the third angle in Ota and Haruto’s love story but because she is just plain annoying. I don’t even understand her obsession with a schoolboy. She looks forced into the script. Couldn’t the writers come up with a better character? I don’t like her a bit and hate to see her around Haruto.

With Ota finally making up her mind about Tenma I wonder how she will come back to Haruto. Haruto better do something ‘miraculous’ or Tenma better do something horrendous for Ota to go back to Haruto. There is no other way to see them together.


Image Courtesy: Tokyo Broadcasting System



Boys Over Flowers Season 2: Episode 6


Boys Over Flowers Season 2: Episode 4


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