Death Clutch Review: A True Fighters’ Inspiring Journey

I usually do not review biographies or autobiographies because it is about someone’s life and I see no point judging it. Also, it feels a little weird to comment on how entertaining a person’s life is or was based on just a book. You never know how much of it is fact and how much is fiction. However, I am making an exception in the case of ‘Death Clutch: My Story of Determination, Domination and Survival’ because I absolutely loved it and want more people to know about it.

Death Clutch is the autobiography of former WWE Champion and UFC World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesner. You might wonder what made me pick this book so I will tell you that growing up I was once fixated with WWE. All my friends in school know that it was my dream to marry my favourite wrestler Triple H. Whenever we were asked to write an essay on my favourite sport I would always fill supplements about my love for wrestling. No points for guessing that my favourite sports person was Triple H. Though the hype around WWE today is not what it used to be once upon a time, I still like watching it occasionally.

When Brock Lesnar was introduced in the WWE Universe he was portrayed as an indomitable force who could take down anybody in his path. He was known as ‘Beast Incarnate’ because fighting him in the ring would be nothing less than fighting with death. Though Triple H was always my favourite, there was a time when I had a huge crush on Brock Lesnar. Let me tell you that I wasn’t being disloyal to my first celebrity crush Triple H. The only reason I felt fascinated by Brock Lesnar was that I once saw him in my dream. Little did I know that for a long time after that I would only be seeing him in my dreams because he totally disappeared from WWE after that day. I was very curious to know the reason behind his disappearance and later got to know about his feud with WWE CEO, Vince McMahon. When I learned about this book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it because I read somewhere that this is a rare book by a WWE wrestler which has not gone through Vince McMahon. Which means that Brock has probably gone ‘no holds barred’ in his first book. And after reading Death Clutch I can assure you that Brock has clearly been as open as he could without indulging in any kind of unnecessary muck racking.

However, this book should not be read only to know about his problems with the WWE. This book is certainly more than just that. It is about a boy’s journey from the farms to one of the biggest stages in sports entertainment.

Death Clutch: My Story of Determination, Domination and Survival by Brock Lesnar

Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks


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The “baddest man on the planet,” undisputed, three-time WWE Champion and current UFC World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesner, shares his true personal story of determination, domination, and survival in Death Clutch. A raw, no-holds-barred memoir from one of the most popular—and polarizing—figures in sports entertainment and professional mixed martial arts, Death Clutch is an essential volume for every WWE and Ultimate Fighting fan.

(Blurb as on Amazon)

I LIKE Death Clutch Because,

…you get to learn a lot from one of WWE’s biggest wrestler, Brock Lesnar. Brock hails from a very humble background with a huge family to look after. He always dreamt of making it big in life so he could provide well for his family. I have always seen Brock Lesnar beating up people ruthlessly in the ring and when you read about his love for his family it kinda feels weird because it just does not go with his on-screen image. Brock starts the book with his childhood and how much his family sacrificed to help him reach where he is today. He is grateful to them and wants to give it back to them in the best possible way which drives him to work harder in life. He embarks on a very challenging journey that often tests him in various ways. But our champion is never bogged down and always fights his way through his difficulties. After he makes it big in WWE he still hasn’t forgotten his roots and often craves to be with his family and makes one of the biggest decision that changes everything overnight. But Brock finds his way even through that.

The most inspiring part of this book is how Brock is forced to fight Vince McMahon who is one of the most powerful businessmen in sports entertainment. Vince leaves no stone unturned in making Brock’s life hell after he quits WWE but the true champion that he is, he sustains and rises triumphant. I can’t tell how many times I felt goosebumps while reading about his battle with such a huge company. Brock is truly an inspiration. It is not a joke to face a company as big as WWE in the court of law and leave unscathed. It requires a tremendous amount of guts and bravado to fight such a powerful enemy.

I Do NOT Like Death Clutch Because,

…nah! I LOVED every single page of this book and I now admire Brock Lesnar more than before. Yes, his arrogance did tick me off a bit but I appreciate his honesty. He is a true CHAMPION and Hats Off to him. Do not mind Brock’s language in the book because he is not a professional writer so his language is that of a wrestler. Do not read this book for some great literature but rather for some eye-opening instances of a field as competitive as professional wrestling.


Final View: Death Clutch will inspire you to wake before your alarm goes off. It will push you to go that extra mile to see your dreams come true. It will compel you to push your limits to see yourself on the top of the ladder. And finally, it will make you understand the importance of work-life balance. It is absolutely fine if you are not a fan of wrestling, but it is not ok to miss this incredible book of an inspiring fighter’ guts and determination.


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