Decoding Reasons Why K-Drama Couples Love Going To The Amusement Park

I recently posted about drama tropes that are overdone and should be retired for good. One of the tropes mentioned was a date at the amusement park. I have lost count of how many times I have seen drama couples go on a date to the amusement park. And a rom-com feels incomplete without an amusement park date.  

The couples scream in the pirate ship, wear cat ears headband, eat ice cream or share a drink, and so on. It’s the same for all the couples. Sometimes, however, if the male lead is extra rich, then he even books the entire park for his lady love.

So, what is so special about the amusement park date? Why do drama couples love going to the amusement park so much? Let’s find out.


Reasons Why K-Dramas Are Obsessed With ‘Amusement Park’ Date

1. To have some fun

Drama leads go on amusement park date simply to let their hair down and have some fun. The date is supposed to come at a point where there has been too much drama going on and the date acts as a respite from all that tension that has been building up. 


2. To wear cute headbands

When the usual angry boss is made to wear a headband, doesn’t it look cute? And to make the male lead look cute, you just have to go to an amusement park. It is the only place where he can wear a cat ears headband and no one will find him weird. 

3. To share a drink

At the amusement park, the leads don’t need to look for a fine dining restaurant. They can eat and enjoy all the sugary stuff they want to. And the best part is that they can even share a drink and it’s not even awkward because those around too might be doing the same.

4. To hit with a bumpy car

Dashing cars and pirate boats are two rides that you will find in almost every K-drama amusement park date. Dashing cars are fun to watch especially when you see the female lead go all out and bump into the male lead with her car. 


5. To be a child again

The best part about an amusement park date is that the leads get to show their fun side. They look adorable in their cute outfits and have the liberty to run around like little kids.  


Drama leads head to an amusement park when they want to have some fun leaving behind the tension they face otherwise. Viewers too look forward to such dates because we know that episode will be full of fun and excitement.

Also, when writers can’t think of anything else, they will put an amusement park date knowing that viewers will love it no matter how many times they’ve seen it before. My only gripe is that I feel I have seen it too much and I want my drama couples to seek new ways to have fun. I wish drama Gods listen to me and prompt drama writers to come up with new ideas for a fun-filled date.  


Image Courtesy: 1, 2 


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