It’s Okay To Not Be Okay Review: A Drama Rare To Find And Not To Be Missed

I can’t believe I almost didn’t watch this drama because someone, after watching just the first two episodes, told me that ‘it’s a very confusing and boring drama’. I picked it up only after my drama buddy (the one I mention in most of my reviews) strongly suggested I give it a try. I didn’t want to but watched it for her sake and I am so glad I listened to her and I did not miss out on such a good drama.

‘It’s Okay To Not Be Okay’ is a psychological drama dealing with multiple characters suffering from mental conditions. From the posters, it looks like an angsty romance, which it is to some extent, but it is nothing like anything I have watched before. It has suspense, family-bonding, bromance, romance, friendship, and just about everything to keep you engaged.

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020) (16 Episodes)

Its Okay To Not Be Okay Review

Moon Gang Tae (Kim Soo Hyun) is a health worker who works in a hospital. He lives with his autistic brother, Moon Sang Tae (Oh Jung Se) who is the sole witness to their mother’s murder and has been traumatized because of it. Since his mother’s death, Sang Tae happens to fear butterflies that force Gang Tae and him to switch town every year. While working at a hospital he happens to meet popular children’s writer, Ko Moon Young (Seo Ye Ji) who suffers from an antisocial personality disorder.

She is hated by almost everyone who has ever come in contact with her because of her rude and arrogant behaviour. The moment she lays eyes on Gang Tae she is reminded of how she knows him from their childhood and cannot help chasing after him. Following Gang Tae she returns to the hometown that reminds her of her dark and painful past. It is the same town where Gang Tae’s mother died and both the brothers have been trying to escape from.

Gang Tae, Sang Tae, and Moong Young have returned to their childhood town where all three of them have issues to resolve so that they can each move on from the trauma that haunts them.

Let’s weigh this psychological and emotional drama on our drama beam balance and see what makes it so popular amongst drama lovers.

Good Weights

I enjoyed watching It’s Okay To Not Be Okay because…

…of its unusual storyline. Initially, the narration swings between Ko Moong Young and Moon Gang Tae’s present and past. This is to give an idea of how our main leads are connected to each other and how their current circumstances have brought them closer. The interplay between their storylines is what makes it highly engaging. Once you fully understand their deep connection, you will want to see them together despite the clear odds stacked against them.

…of its the dark and suspenseful cinematography and the editing. The exemplary camera work coupled with skillful editing helped raise the drama in so many ways. It is very easy to steer away from brooding dramas but the exceptional presentation for It’s Okay To Not Be Okay makes it extremely enticing. The director has incorporated all kinds of camera angles and shots and each in its right place having the desired effect on the viewers.    

…of Seo Ye Ji and Kim Soo Hyun’s electrifying chemistry. Looking at the still shots below you will see fireworks. And don’t even get me started on their acting. I mean this in a good way because they were simply flawless. I fall short of words to describe how good they were in this drama.

My favorite scenes were those where Moon Young tries to intimidate Gang Tae and he looks rattled by the physical proximity. It may seem like sexual harassment to a lot of viewers but I personally feel that it would be harassment if he really felt intimidated or troubled by her advances. But he was not. So let’s just laugh at it and enjoy it.  

Moon Young Trying to seduce Gang Tae - Its Okay To Not Be Okay Review

Then there are some truly heart-melting scenes when Gang Tae comes to Moon Young when she needs him the most but cannot ask for it herself. I like it when two people come close because of the true connection they share. It is not one of those usual drama scenes where the male lead appears outta nowhere to save the female lead in time. Instead, on more occasions than one, Gang Tae senses Moon Young’s loneliness and decides to be there for her. It is his empathy or shall I say his love for her that makes him sense her plight every single time. Aww…such a caring guy.  

…it was visually appealing. Thanks to their respective styling teams the main characters convincingly looked their parts. Initially, I wondered how a character like Ko Moon Young, who has no care in the world, pays so much attention to her wardrobe and hairstyling. But this point is raised and discussed in the drama so if you too happen to feel the same while watching the drama, trust me there is a valid reason for it.

Moon Young Smiling - Its Okay To Not Be Okay Review

But whatever the reason, Seo Ye Ji looked simply stunning in every episode. How does this girl maintain that non-existent waistline?  Whoever has styled her has clearly done a fine job and Seo Ye Ji too has carried it off well.

…of the two brothers’ chemistry. Actors Kim Soo Hyun and Oh Jung Se share a considerable age difference but they were completely in-sync when it came to acting. Sang Tae being autistic often seems to look selfish and inconsiderate of Gang Tae. But Jung Se acts so well as an autistic person that you just cannot hold it against him for acting like that with his own brother.


Gang Tae is often seen sacrificing and sometimes sufferings for no fault of his own. Kim Soo Hyun is so generous with his subtle expressions that it is impossible to not feel his pain.

Not a spoiler per se, but there is a scene in episode 9 where both the brothers confront a touchy topic that causes them to have an emotional meltdown. Kim Soo Hyun’s helpless wails and Oh Jung Se’s palpable resentment almost moved me to tears. They both looked so vulnerable that you’d instinctively want to reach out to them physically to protect them.   

…I loved Kim Soo Hyun so much in this drama that it made me regret never finishing ‘My Love From Another Star’. Honestly, I had my reservations about his acting. I was not sure if I would like to watch him. But this drama changed my opinion completely. I now fully understand why he is one of the highest-paid actors in South Korea.

In the show, there are moments when Moon Gang Tae feels helpless and lonely but he has to act normal to protect his brother. This dual emotion of grim and gloom masked by cheerful and lively is expressed so beautifully by Soo Hyun I wanted to cry and protect him at the same time. 

When I watched ‘My Love From Another Star’ a few years ago I didn’t see much of a ‘star’ in him. This could be because I felt that his co-actor Jun Ji Hyun had effortlessly overshadowed him. But now, my opinion of his acting ability and screen presence is no longer the same and I think I’ll give ‘My Love From Another Star’ another try. 🙂

…I have seen Seo Ye Ji in relatively shorter roles in other dramas and have always liked her acting. But in this show, as the boot-faced writer, she truly amazed me. I think it is more because of her deep voice. I especially love to hear her call Sang Tae ‘oppa’. 🙂 In fact, I enjoyed watching her scenes with Sang Tae the most. Even with her anti-social personality, she shows a decent amount of consideration when dealing with Sang Tae. She does it to get closer to Gang Tae but whatever the reason I like to see them together especially when they fight over Gang Tae.

…actor Oh Jung Se did a great job of portraying an autistic man. He has appeared in several dramas in supporting roles and for me, this role of his was simply outstanding. His consistent body-language and facial expressions breathe so much life into Sang Tae. Out of our three leads I liked Sang Tae the most. <3    

…I liked all the supporting cast members on the show. And when I say this I especially mean Lee Sang In and Nam Joo Ri. Their love story was so so so so adorable. It is too cute to not bring a smile on anyone’s face. And then there is San In’s assistant Seung Jae, Joo Ri’s mother Soon Deok, director of OK hospital, Ji Wang and lastly Gang Tae’s bestie, Jae Soo who not only support our main leads but also bring in the much needed comic relief to the drama.

…like all my favorite dramas, the OST of this drama too is soulful and soothing. My favorite song being ‘Breath’ by Sam Kim.


Bad Weights

I did NOT LIKE It’s Okay To Not Be Okay because…

…somewhere in the middle, the slow-pace of the drama made me drop it. It’s not like I lost interest in it because I would still check out its updates to know what’s happening on the show. I just couldn’t bring myself to watch it patiently. I did catch up on the missed episodes before the finale so I would know what prompted who to do what in the drama. Hope you got what I was trying to say. 😉 The show concludes on such a positive note that it will leave you feeling content over watching such a good drama.  

There is a lot to understand and take from ‘It’s Okay To Not Be Okay’. Of all that it offers, I personally would like to absorb Gang Tae’s sensitive and patient nature towards people who require special care. I’ll explain why. Unlike Sang Tae, Moon Young’s mental vulnerability is not visible to everyone. People like her childhood friend, Joo Ri, or anyone around her do not understand why she is the way she is. But Gang Tae understands her better than anyone else. This is because his own brother is a special child and he is more sensitive to such people than someone like Joo Ri who has lived a relatively normal life. And this is what happens around us too.

People who have never suffered mental problems or never seen anyone with such problems will easily write off people like Moon Young who fight their own demons with nothing but their silent tears. I’m happy that such an amazing drama came along because it is a great way to sensitize people about mental problems.

I hope everyone who watches this drama understands the core message it tries to convey. For the kind of world we currently live, in it is easy to fall prey to mental ailments. Sadly, it not that simple to come out of it. And just like the title, it is certainly ‘okay to not be okay’.  


I give ‘It’s Okay To Not Be Okay’ 4.5 out of 5 rating. A drama like this is rare to find. Even if the first few episodes seem confusing and a little scary do not give it up. It is a gripping, entertaining, and simply beautiful drama. Do give it a try.


P.S: If you like dramas dealing with mental health then you might want to watch ‘It’s Okay, It’s Love’ which also tackles mental ailments while spinning an absolutely swoon-worthy romance between the leads.


All Images and Screengrabs Courtesy: tvN


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