Lost In Love Review: Lack Of Description Makes This Book A Dull Read

Before I start this review let me give you an idea of what kind of books I like reading. I am a hard-core romance lover. I seek love in my books, dramas and even music. Be it a thriller, comedy or horror, a few drops of romance and I am happy. So reading romance novels makes me the happiest. But sometimes, some romance novels are so damn clichéd and predictable that I feeling like tearing the pages of the book. I am not against cliché. I have said this in a lot of my drama reviews that I like cliché. But some books squeeze out every bit fun from even clichéd plots. For me, Lost In Love is one such book that made me scream in exasperation. This book is supposedly a part of a series written by the same author. I have not read any of the previous books by this author and after reading this one I am glad I hadn’t. I went on to Amazon to see what others felt about this book and I was stunned to see that the book has 4.6 out of 5 ratings. Readers have praised this books’ lead couple so much that it made me wonder if I am being too cynical. Then I had a look at the last few dramas and books I reviewed and realised that as long as I am watching the dramas I watch and reading the books I read there is no way I can ever turn my back to love. If you are a fan of this writer then please stop reading right now as I am going to vent out in detail how much I regret wasting my precious time on such a book.

Lost In Love by Arvind Parasher

Publisher: Srishti Publishers

Neil had many questions related to his life. Having suffered a total eclipse of the heart, dumped by Arya, he had nowhere to go. He was completely shattered. Till one fine day, when his friend Gauri, who had a crush on Neil ever since her childhood, comes into his life and they begin their journey of love, romance, fantasy and fairy tales.

Not for long, as their world comes crashing with a tragic, life-turning event. This is a heart-wrenching romance thriller that is bound to move you and hit your soul as you take a plunge and get Lost in Love.

(Description from Goodreads.com)

I LIKE Lost In Love Because,

Lost in Love Review

…whaaaaaat? No, I didn’t like the book at all. If there is anything I appreciated about it then that would be the Parashar’s writing. Yes, I have complaints about the plot and characters but the author evidently has a flair for writing. It was his smooth writing that helped me see the book to its climax otherwise I would have dropped it mid-way. The day Parashar pens a book with better fleshed-out characters and an interesting storyline I will surely buy it because I like his writing.


I Do NOT Like Lost In Love Because,

Lost in Love Review

…there is absolutely no character description in the book. Neil says ‘Gauri is beautiful and different from other girls’ and I am supposed to believe that. Yeah right! Gauri gushes about Neil being the most ‘dashing’ boy in her school and I am supposed to believe that. Yeah, right! Throughout the book, I could imagine nothing, as the writer has neither described the characters nor the surroundings. As a reader, I am supposed to imagine a boy who is handsome and girl who is beautiful. That’s it. That is all the author gives me to imagine. This lack of description is what disappointed me the most.

…the book starts with a lot of brooding by Neil. So, Neil’s live-in partner is missing and it is obvious that he is going to freak out. But the author uses up a lot of pages describing what Neil is going through and how much he misses his girlfriend. The narrative swings between past and present and if he is missing his current girlfriend Gauri in the present, he is busy complaining about his ex-girlfriend Arya when talking about his past. So, you see too much of negativity right at the start of the book.

…there is a lot of unwanted ‘life lessons’ in the book that I hate the most as a reader. I see this as a very common trend in a lot of such romance novels where writers really enjoy giving free gyaan. This book too has a lot of lines that start with ‘In life XYZ…….’ or ‘Sometimes in life you have to….’. In a romance novel, I expect to read about the lovely moments spent by the lead couple, I don’t need philosophy. There are books available in that genre. I’ll buy them when I need them. Don’t give it to me in a romance novel.

Final View: Go for this book only if you have liked any of the previous books by this author.


**This book is a PR copy sent by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.


You can check out Amazon.in for a discount on this book.


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