The Package Review: A Free Trip To France With Some Fun And Interesting People

If you ever wish to visit France, then watch The Package without fail because France is what this drama mostly is about. If you do not have plans to visit France then certainly watch this drama as you will get a tour of this breathtakingly beautiful city from the comfort of your home. Additionally, you also have CNBlue’s hottie lead singer, Jung Yong Hwa to keep you company. If that doesn’t lure you then let me add here that the director has added a shirtless scene of Yong Hwa pondering over some serious issue. How can a hot hero think with his shirt on? He has to take off his shirt to think clearly, right? The Package is a short drama with some interesting characters and lots of funny moments.

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The Package (2017) (12 Episodes)

The Package Review

A group of tourists set out on a trip to Paris, Saint-Malo and Mont Saint-Michel in a group package. Yoon So So is assigned as their travel guide who has been running from a mysterious man. While touring, the mysterious man manages to locate her but sensing danger, tourist San Ma Ru helps to keep the mysterious man away from her for as long as possible. San Ma Ru’s help moves So So and she befriends him on the tour which eventually leads to them falling in love with each other. The other tourists also have their own problems and are on this trip for a specific purpose.

Let’s weigh this tour cum romance drama on our drama beam balance and see if this trip is worth the time or no.

Good Weights            

I enjoyed watching The Package because…

…the storylines depicting complications in different kinds of relationships seamlessly blend with the theme of the drama. Every character in the drama is at the crossroad of a certain relationship and this trip makes each one of them realise what he or she wants from the other person and from oneself. It is fun to see so many stories fall like puzzle pieces to form a larger picture at the end of the drama.

Let me introduce you to the characters in this drama.

There is an old married couple for whom this might probably be the last trip together.

The Package Review

There is a couple who have been dating for several years and wish to get married soon.

The Package Review

Then there is a mysterious couple who no one knows share what kind of relationship.

The Package Review

Lastly, there is our lone traveller, who booked the package to be on a vacation with his girlfriend but is now alone on the trip.

The Package Review

And not to forget the sweet and helpful tour guide.

The Package Review

…the cast was really good. Actress Lee Yeon Hee who plays tour guide Yoon So So was totally into the character. She very easily adopts the tour guide tone and looks very convincing as a professional guide. I am sure Yeon Hee has put in a lot of hard work to get into the skin of her character. Similarly, every other cast member did a good job and played their parts well.

…of the brilliant cinematography and the beautiful foreign location. The director has spared no pains in capturing France in the most exotic frames. All the locations visited in the drama look amazing and this is the perfect way to promote tourism.

…it was funny. San Maa Roo encounters with So So’s stalker is hilarious. The way he dodges him and gets into scuffles with him made me roll on the floor with laughter. Do watch out the two men fight for So So’s attention. Even his initial encounters with So So are amusing. 

The Package Review

The Package Review

Bad Weights

I did NOT like The Package because…

…it is a threat to my savings. Two episodes into the drama and I was yearning for a vacation. The drama reminded me that it has been years since my last long holiday. By the end of episode 4, I decided to go on a trip no matter what. I started to look up holiday plans online when suddenly I heard my bank passbook chuckle in a corner. I went to it and opened it to see what made it laugh so mirthfully. What I next saw brought tears to my eyes. I quietly returned to my laptop, this time equipped with 3D glasses, and clicked on the next episode because I had realised that it was going to be the only way I will be seeing France for at least another decade. Damn you poverty! Damn you!

…there is a dip in the story pace in episode 6 but the drama eventually picks up. The dip is justified as it is a point in the drama where characters explore the depths of their relationship. It shows how couples behave after they have spent a considerable amount of time together.

…Jung Yong Hwa was a little dull. There are several scenes where he could act a little more energetic and whimsical but his restrained (read limited) acting makes him look dull. He is a handsome guy but when it comes to acting, I think he can do better.

The Package Review

The Package has more of good weights which makes it a good watch. Its cast, story and location together make it a very enjoyable drama. If your bank account balance too mocks you the way mine does, then do not miss this drama as it is the cheapest way to have a trip to France.

I give The Package 3.5 out of 5 rating. The Package is an easy breezy drama. It throws some light on the complexities of different types of relationships against the backdrop of the breathtakingly beautiful France. Do watch this one when you want to watch a fun and light drama.


Feature Image Courtesy: Dramafever

Screengrabs Courtesy: JTBC


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