Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Hello, my dear drama lovers 🙂 Hope you all have been well. I am sorry for taking literally forever to complete Snowdrop. Snowdrop is now available on Zee5 as a Premium show. So, to watch the show you will now have to subscribe to Zee5. I do wish to complete the show but I am not sure when I can get back to writing it. The show has around 100 episodes and I have completed more than half of it. Hopefully, I will complete it this year itself.

For now, I am happy to inform you that I will be writing more written updates for Asian dramas. I will try to focus on romantic, comedy and light-hearted dramas but may try other genres as well. I wish to introduce you to the best dramas available online so you do not fall short of options when exploring new dramas.

I have mentioned this before that apart from Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese dramas, I also want to watch Thai lakorns (dramas). It is difficult to find a decently subbed Thai drama online which is why it is difficult to watch more of them.

Secret Seven: The Series is about a girl named Padlom who suffers from Philophobia i.e. fear of love. One day she discovers that a boy she knows is secretly in love with her and she freaks out. She has seven options to determine who it could be and there she starts her investigation of who could be the boy in love with her. 

I do not understand Thai so I will not be able to write exactly what they say and mean. I will only write whatever I understand from the subbed version. If you spot a mistake in my interpretation then do let me know, I will happily correct my mistake. Also, I will try to write the drama in a story form instead of the regular written update format and will keep it as simple as possible.

Hope you enjoy this written update. 🙂

Secret Seven: The Series – Episode 1

In the ‘Animal Lovers’ club, the club members are having a gala time celebrating their love for animals by making animal sounds. Padlom (Udomsilp Sutatta) and Spoil (Ampere Suttatip Wutchaipradit) look bemused and bored. Then another member of the group takes to the dais and urges everyone to make some more weird sounds. As if possessed, Spoil raises her arms in the air and starts bellowing till Padlom decides it is enough and drags Spoil out with her. She tells Spoil that she cannot carry on like this as the club is too weird for them to be a part of it. Spoil reminds Padlom that they need to join a group by Friday and Padlom sighs in distress. Spoil then suggests they join the ‘Photo Club’ so that way they will have good pictures of themselves. Padlom turns down the suggestion saying that the group already has a lot of members. Frustrated, Spoil tells Padlom to start her own group since she cannot pick one amongst those already formed. This idea appeals to Padlom and she tells Spoil that she will indeed start her own club.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

The two girls head to the teachers’ room (I’m not sure of the place) where they see the school’s model boy, Alan (Vihokratana Tawan) (Cutie ALERT!!) who is there seeking approval for the ‘No Human Photo’ club. Spoil, who has a huge crush on him, cannot stop gushing over him. She even requests Padlom to exchange seats with her because she is unable to stop staring at Alan. Alan finds their behaviour weird but politely smiles at them.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

The teacher happily approves Alan’s group saying that it has the required number of 5 members. The teacher then turns to Padlom and Spoil and Spoil tells her that they wish to form a group for music lovers. The teacher states that they already have the ‘Music Appreciation’ club and Padlom explains that she wants to form a group exclusively for members who love music of the 90’s. The idea does not seem alluring to the teacher as she sees no benefit of forming such a group but seeing Padlom and Spoil’s insistency she agrees under the condition that the group should have minimum 5 members. She reminds them that they have to join a club soon or they will not be able to graduate.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Spoil and Padlom are in a fix as they don’t have any friends in school to request them to join the group. Padlom suggests Spoil to contact Grace from class six and she promptly agrees to do so. Padlom then says she will ask her relative Liftoil who will not refuse her. So that makes four members. For the last member, they decide to hire someone. And after much convincing and bargaining, they finally manage to convince a girl to join the group for 1500 Baht (approx. Rs.3174).

Padlom then meets Liftoil (Poonsawas Atthaphan) who readily agrees to join her club. Liftoil (the boy with a weird name) is Padlom’s distant relative. He has always been a sensitive kid crying at the drop of a hat. However, he does not cry that often now because he is busy cracking lame jokes. Padlom knows that Liftoil is one person she can always count on.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

At night, Padlom uses a recorder to record that she has to find 5 members of her club at any cost. She then wears her headphones and listening to some old Thai song she recalls a time during her childhood when she was crying and her mother came running to console her. She tells Padlom that she need not be upset and hands her a tape saying that her father is there with her. She then plays the tape which contains a message from her father professing his love for Padlom’s mother and assuring that he will always send her love messages like this on every Valentines Day.

In a bedroom full of old music tapes, Padlom wakes up to the beep of her alarm and rushes out for school. With a spring in her step, she heads to the teachers’ room where she excitedly submits the club form and the teacher approves it and assigns Room No. 305 for her group. Padlom, Spoil and Liftoil happily reach room 305 but when Padlom opens the door, she is stunned to see a group of boys already present in the room.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

She tells Spoil that they have got the wrong room and just then Alan steps out of the room and informs them that the 90’s music group will have to share the room with them. Id (Thawornwong Jirakit) steps out and teases Padlom as ‘big tits’ (whaaaaat? Are boys allowed to speak like that in school?). Id and Padlom have been friends since childhood and still cannot stop being at loggerheads with each other. He once again calls her big tits but this time she retorts calling him ‘tiny dick’ (Woah!) and walks into the room followed by Liftoil and Spoil, who chuckles glancing at Id below his stomach.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Alan briefly introduces his group to Padlom and tells her that they have only one key to the room and that she cannot make a duplicate of it as it is the school’s property. She asks him why they have to share a room and Alan answers that it is because their groups are the smallest groups. Padlom rolls her eyes in despair while Spoil gladly stares at Alan.

Alan takes Padlom and her group to a secret location where they can hide the key so that whoever comes first can access the room without having to wait for the other members. He then asks why their group has only three members and Spoil quickly replies that the other two members are on their way. He then asks her to share the information with them too. They then head back to the room where they see a new boy with a name slate hanging around his neck. Lifting the slate, he introduces himself as Neo (Kongyingyong Chonlathorn).

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Padlom says that he is a freshman and cannot join a group but Neo replies that he is there as an intern. Padlom says he can join the other group as her team does not need any more members. Spoil takes Padlom aside and asks her to accept Neo in the group as they are already short of members and if the other group gets any more members then they will have an upper hand on them. Padlom quickly does an about turn and happily welcomes Neo in her group. As Neo heads towards Padlom’s group, Id stops him and says that Neo should be given a choice to pick from. Neo promptly states that he will like to try both the groups to which Liftoil says that Neo should be a part of both the groups on alternate days. Padlom tells Neo that he can be with her group on odd days while the other group gets him on even days. Padlom is happy with her decision as there are more odd days than even. Also, Neo is not just the youngest member in her group but is also the most popular boy as he is also an idol singer with over 111K followers on Instagram. Since it is an even date, Neo joins the other group.

Padlom sticks a red tape to the floor to separate the rooms. As she goes on with the task, a shirtless boy rushes to help her with it. She feels flustered seeing his bare toned body and he introduces himself as Pok (Kang Vorakorn Sirisorn).

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

He explains that he had just worked-out so he had to take-off his shirt. Padlom tries hard not to look at his abs so she asks him what his group is about. He answers that their group clicks pictures of anything except humans. Padlom says that he looks like a sports enthusiast and he admits being one. He says he did not join the sports club because he likes to play all sorts of games involving a round ball and he does not want to join one specific sport that will make him miss out on another sport. Pok may seem strange for choosing a sport based on the shape of the ball but Padlom likes him as he looks like a genuine guy. Padlom then tells everyone in the room about the division of space and requests the other group members to take their stuff from her side of the room. P’Gent (Wiwattanawarang Oabnithi) catches up with Liftoil who apologises for Padloms’ temper.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Back in the room, the No Humans Photo group observe the 90’s Music group and pass comments over each member. While they do not have much of a problem with Padlom and Liftoil, Id feels that Spoil looks a little off and needs to go to a make-over show to have her thick lips fixed.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

The guys wish to have a pretty face in the room and just then, another member of the 90’s Music group enters the room. All the boys turn to look at her and she glares back at them. They all feel uncomfortable under her glare and laugh at her the moment she turns her back to them. Just then, a pretty girl with long hair steps in and asks for the 90’s group and the boys happily welcome her. She looks a little awkward as all the boys blatantly check her out.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

The boys offer her a place in their group and Spoil quickly runs to her and tells them that Grace does not like guys catcalling her. Grace tells Spoil that there are too many boys in the room and that she cannot breathe in the room. Grace apologises to Padlom and runs out of the room.

When Padlom goes to pick the key from the secret location, she bumps into Play (Loekhunnasombat Thanat) who tries to flirt with her. Unimpressed by his sweet talk, Padlom wonders what makes him think that girls like him.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

When they both reach Room 305 they see new lockers brought by Gent in the room. Play thanks him profusely for the locker and guitar pick but Padlom does not thank him. Gent tells her that they can all share the lockers and that he has also put name labels on them. Padlom opens her locker and finds a mini electric fan in it. Gent says that he heard she feels too hot in the room so he bought her the fan so she feels comfortable. Padlom reluctantly accepts the gift so he shows her the other lockers that also contain gifts for them. He then asks to add her on Line (a chatting app) so they all can keep in touch. She flatly refuses at first but then gives in after Gent insists too much. In her head, Padlom wonders that Gent must be a rich guy to be able to buy so many gifts.

During a class, a teacher explains the meaning of Philophobia i.e. the fear of falling in love and being loved. The word reminds Padlom about a conversation she had with Spoil in which Spoil asks her if she likes any guy out of the seven in the No Humans Photo club and Padlom says she does not fancy any of them. Spoil is surprised that Padlom feels nothing for even a single guy. Spoil then shows her pictures she clicked of each of the guys and analyzes their good point and who is suitable for them.

In Room 305, Padlom plays some music on the music system when Id crosses the room division line and switches off the music saying it disturbs him. Gent then walks towards her and switches on the music saying that the music is good. Annoyed, Padlom ejects the cassette and scolds Liftoil for not helping her against Id. But she then notices Liftoil draw a heart in his notebook and she playfully demands to see it but he holds the notepad close to his chest.

Id joins Padlom on her way back home when they see Pok with his girlfriend. They then spot Play with a girl who she assumes to be his girlfriend but Id tells her that he is not sure because Play has a lot of girls in his life. We then see Play having an argument with the girl who then hurls the glass of juice on him and leaves in a huff.

At the bus station, Id hands Padlom a cassette which originally belonged to her. She fumes that he returned it so late after she forgot about it. He explains that he found it only now and thinks that her group will need it. When Padlom’s mother sees her return home with Id she teases her with him and Padlom clarifies that they are just old friends. Her mother then asks her if she likes any boy at all or if anyone likes her and then we see Padlom read a love note left on her locker reading, “I like you Padlom” by a smiling bear.

Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 1

Padlom eyes all the boys in the room suspiciously before folding the paper and tossing it in the bin. She then sees Liftoil fiddle with the paper and he asks her why she threw it in the bin.



Firstly, I have to say that this drama has the weirdest character names ever. I wonder if these names are common in Thailand or is it just in this drama. Let’s start with the plot of the drama. Secret Seven is a typical high school drama where children spend less time studying and more time in other activities. I had been watching a lot of mature dramas lately so I decided to pick a simple, young love for my written updates. I liked the first episode. It looks like a decent watch. I am very excited to see more about Padlom and all the characters around her.

Padlom looks like a sweet girl suffering from certain fears. She appears to be a strong girl on the outside but has her own share of insecurities to deal with. I like actress Udomsilp Sutatta’s portrayal of Padlom. She is subtle and natural. She is also very beautiful which is why it is not difficult to imagine so many guys liking her. Though I know she will eventually open her heart to love, I am very excited to see how it happens. I can’t wait to see her romance all the seven guys before she finds ‘the one’.

Since I am not Padlom, if Spoil asks me which one of the seven guys I liked the most then my answer would be Alan. I think he is really cute and well-behaved. I like such good boys. This is just the first episode so my choice can change anytime. Liftoil I feel is too immature for Padlom and also he is a relative so he is out of the race for me at least. Id is this typical schoolboy who bullies the girl he secretly likes. If he turns out to be a good guy then there can be no better match than him but for now, he is not on my favourites list. Gent is also a sweet guy who clearly is smitten by Padlom. Poor guy had to spend so much just to buy a gift (so someone could leave a love letter in it) for Padlom. He’s a nice guy but I’m not sure of how he might turn out to be in the later episodes. I also find his sugary sweet behaviour too good to be true. Let’s wait and watch what happens in the following episodes. The rest of the guys did not leave much of an impression on me so, for now, my eyes are on these guys.


Screen Grabs Courtesy: GMM One

Feature Image Courtesy: GMM One


Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 2


You can watch this episode on YouTube @GMMTV


Secret Seven Episode 1 [1/4]


Secret Seven Episode 1 [2/4]


Secret Seven Episode 1 [3/4]


Secret Seven Episode 1 [4/4]

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