Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 3
Neo rushes to help Padlom with her shoes but she walks out of the room in anger. Lightoil and Play (you know it’s funny to even write these names. Each time I type these names I wonder what exactly I am writing.) try to cheer-up Padlom but nothing works as she continues to look as grumpy as she always does.
Later that night, Padlom tells Spoil that Neo knowing old songs does not prove anything. Spoil suggests she throw the dart again but Padlom refrains from doing so as she sees no point in it. She then dreams of bashing up the first guy who bluntly rejected her and dismissed her feelings after conveniently leading her on.
Next morning, Padlom’s teacher teaches how to read body-language and says that a person lying to you will mostly look to his left. Apart from eyes, you can also observe a person’s breathing pattern, and feet when you suspect someone of lying. When Padlom opens her locker she finds another gift, this time a pair of shoes, waiting for her.
Interpreting the meaning behind the three gifts Spoil says that the first letter meant to confess to Padlom, the second gift was to indicate that the ‘boy’ has his eyes on Padlom and this third gift indicates that ‘he’ is ready to be by her side and always help her. Spoil lists reasons why each of the guys could gift her the shoes and Padlom dismisses all of her theories.
Neo pleads with Id to apologise to Padlom for spoiling her shoes. Neo feels guilty about the fact that he turned on the music loud because of which Padlom and Id had an argument that led to her shoes getting ruined. Id refuses to apologise saying that he need not feel responsible for anything as they all are equally at fault and makes a line across his face with his painting brush.
Neo then apologises to Padlom for what happened between Id and her and she shows him her new pair of shoes. But he shows no reaction on his face. She then goes on to show her shoes to the rest of the boys and asks for their opinion on it. They all say how good the shoes are but their reaction or even opinion gives away nothing. Gent even bends down to tie her shoelaces so her white laces do not get soiled. Neo then asks Padlom to wipe off the paint mark on his face to prove that she is not upset with him anymore. Padlom takes his kerchief and wipes his face avoiding eye contact with him while he gazes lovingly at her.
After observing the guys Padlom reports back to Spoil that she could not understand who is lying to her as all of them looked to their left while talking to her. Padlom then tells her that she is yet to speak with Id as she could not find him in school. She goes to his house and asks him if he kept the new pair of shoes in her locker. But annoying as he is, he counter questions her asking if that is what she feels he might do for her. They bicker till Padlom gives up and leaves frustrated while Id grins after her. As she leaves she receives a message from her admirer asking her to take good care of her new shoes.
Spoil is amazed by the fact that the secret admirer went through the trouble of creating a Facebook profile just to be able to message Padlom. Spoil accepts Lovesick Bear’s (that’s what the secret admirer calls himself now) friend request on behalf of Padlom and just then they receive an FB call from him. Spoil answers the call and hands the phone to Padlom. Padlom then hears drums being played in the background followed by a lady’s instruction for tucking the shirt in. The phone then gets disconnected and the girls now take that as a cue to identify the admirer. Funnily, in Room 305, all the boys have come with their shirts neatly tucked in except Alan. When Spoil asks him about it he replies that he accidentally sat on a chewing gum and is hiding it with his shirt.
Spoil then calls Lovesick Bear to see which boy’s phone buzzes. Sadly, even though the phone buzzes, no boy shows any signs of it.
Neo asks Padlom to accompany him to some place and she leaves with him. They sit together to have an ice-cream when Neo asks her if she would like to taste his popsicle. She declines the offer saying popsicles are not meant to be shared. But he is adamant and asks her if she finds him repulsive. She then gives in and licks the popsicle. Neo then wipes the excess ice-cream from her lips and licks it off his fingers. Stunned, Padlom asks him what that was about and he coyly says that he does not like to waste ice-cream. (Yeah right!) He then forcibly rests his head on her lap claiming to have a headache. 5 minutes later he wakes up and tells her that her lap is magical enough to have cured him of his headache. She dismisses his claim and he breaks into a song. He asks her if she will vote for him in case he ever participates in a singing competition.
As they walk home, she notices that Neo is always glued to his phone and he tells her that he has multiple accounts on Instagram because of which he is addicted to his phone. She asks him if he has a Facebook account and if he is indeed Lovesick Bear. He smiles and tells her that he expected her to ask him about it. He then mocks her for doubting him of being in love with her when she clearly is no match for him. He says she is like a sister to him and Padlom cringes as she is shaken out of her reverie to realise that she was only imagining this conversation.
Neo then asks her to wave out at his fans who are watching him live on social media. He then starts promoting a toothpaste meant for sensitive gums.
Padlom then happens to meet Gent who offers her a ride home in his swanky car. She notices cat food in his back seat and he tells her that he loves cats. He then takes her to a fancy fine dining restaurant where Padlom’s eyes pop out looking at the menu card.
Gent orders some French dishes and she asks him if he eats there every day. He answers that eating every day in such a place would make him penniless so he prefers eating every alternate day. Ha! Gent then rises from his chair and helps Padlom place a table napkin on her lap. His proximity makes her heart flutter.
When the food arrives, Padlom is surprised to see such little food on a big plate so he explains to her what the dish is and then helps her eat it by slicing the meat for her.
He then tells her that he hates eating alone because he likes to steal food from someone else’s plate. A violin player then plays the violin and Gent asks Padlom if she likes him. She is unable to hear him clearly so when he repeats the question he modifies it and asks if she likes the restaurant. She says she likes the place but she cannot place an order there and also the food is less for her appetite. Gent cracks up at her blunt honesty. She tells him he need not bring her to such an expensive place again and he clarifies that she is not the first person he has visited the restaurant with. He tells her how almost everyone from Room 305 has been there with him including the ghost girl. Padlom feels at ease and calls him a very kind guy.
Next morning, Padlom rushes to school when she receives a message from the Lovesick Bear telling her that she is late to school. She looks around and sees Alan sitting on a bench in front of her. She sneezes and he feels her face with the back of his hand to check if she has a fever.
He tells her that she has a low-grade fever and advises her to drink warm water instead of cold water. Later in Room 305, Alan brings Padlom a pillow and blanket so she can rest.
He then takes away her headphones and places his kerchief on her eyes so she can sleep peacefully. He then sits guarding the door with a ‘Do Not Disturb’ board on the door.
Padlom thrashing the guy who broke her heart was very funny Who wouldn’t want to beat up someone who leads you on only to reject you? I know girls usually do that but this is the first time I am seeing a boy do something like that. Poor Padlom. No wonder she prefers staying away from guys.
I used to think K-Dramas had the most sugary sweet and unbelievable fake heroes. But after seeing Neo wipe Padlom’s shoes, Gent place a napkin on Padlom’s lap and Alan bring blankets and pillow for Padlom, I am convinced that Thai heroes are worse! I like lovey-dovey gestures in dramas but this is a little over the top. I actually cringed when I saw Alan with the blanket. Ewww….! Dude! C’mon! Guys NEVER do that. I hate it when dramas lose touch with reality and show men to be some supernatural angels on earth who easily read a woman’s mind and behave just the way she would want him to. Also, if Alan intends to sit guarding the room then why did he place the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door? Ugh!! I was so so rooting for him but now I can’t stand him. Why do these drama writers have to show men as such angelic figures? Is it a sin to have a little more realistic men in dramas? Sighs.
Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 4
Secret Seven: The Series: Episode 2
You can watch this episode on YouTube @GMMTV
Secret Seven Episode 3 [1/4]
Secret Seven Episode 3 [2/4]
Secret Seven Episode 3 [3/4]
Secret Seven Episode 3 [4/4]
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