Snowdrop: Episode 2
Show Title: Snowdrop
Country: Ukraine
Channel: Zee Zindagi
Timings: Monday to Saturday 9 pm
Written Update: Episode 2
Nadya reaches the loan sharks’ office and chastises him for kidnapping a little girl. She asks Olya if she is fine and Olya tells her that the uncle had asked her to wait for Nadya and that he is a very nice Sir. Nadya tells Olya to wait outside as she wants to speak with the loan shark alone. Nadya reminds him that the bank the loan was taken from has shut down to which the loan shark (who is actually a loan recovery agent) tells her that what happens in the bank is none of his concern, his job is to recover money from people the bank lent money to. He shows her the loan papers, which states that when a loanee fails to pay back the money, the bank can recover it from the guarantor. Nadya tells him that she has no money to which he threatens to harm her and her sister. Finally, he gives her a weeks’ time to repay the loan.
Nicolai thanks Lucia for going out with his mother, Tamara. Surprised, she asks him if his mother told her where there had been. He tells her that he had once taken his mom for a massage where she fainted and had to be taken to the hospital. He is grateful that Lucia agreed to accompany his mother this time. She rolls her eyes after knowing that Nicolai’s mother lied to him about their visit to the psychic. Since its Nicolai’s mother’s birthday tomorrow Lucia asks him if she can invite Nadya and Olya to the party. Nicolai remembers that it is Nadya’s birthday as well and says that they can have a dual celebration tomorrow.
Igor and his sister Rita drop Ira (going forward Irina will be addressed as ‘Ira’ as that is what everyone calls her on the show) home as she faced some problem with her car. At home, Ira’s father, Nicolai questions her for coming home late to which she tells him that her car broke down and she had to wait for her boss to drop her home. She tells her grandmother that she is tired and goes to her room to retire to bed. Nicolai reproaches his mother for pampering Ira to which she replies that she isn’t spoiling her and that Ira needs to rest.
In Ira’s room, grandmother Tamara repeats that Ira had come home with Igor and excitedly asks her to tell her everything that happened. Ira tells her that nothing much happened as his sister, Rita was also with them in the car because of which they couldn’t talk alone. Not losing heart, she says that she will talk to him the next day.
Lucia invites Nadya and Olya to the party but Nadya is apprehensive about the whole thing as she remembers Ira’s warning to never come before her again. Lucia insists that it is a good opportunity for them to meet everyone as Nicolai will be announcing their marriage tomorrow. Nadya asks Olya if she wants to go for the party and Olya gives an enthused yes to the idea so Nadya finally agrees to go for the party.
Ira asks her grandmother about her chances with Igor to which she replies that Ira is good-looking and confident so why wouldn’t Igor fall for her. Nicolai comes into Ira’s room and informs his mother that he has invited Nadya and Olya for her birthday party. His mom and Ira look unhappy but he isn’t seeking their permission and is only informing them about his decision. He wishes them good night and leaves the room without another word. Ira fusses over her father’s decision but grandma consoles her by telling that no one knows what might happen tomorrow. (Which means she has something evil on her mind.)
Igor is out with his chauffeur for a jog when his stepmother steps out of a car. She looks at him and says, “night jogging” to which he quips “late night date”. She tells him that she has been working hard for her dad but he stills doubts her. As Igor begins to leave, she tells him to buy his father’s inhaler form a chemist store on his way back. The chauffeur asks Igor what that was about to which Igor tells him that she was out with another man the whole night and forgot to buy his father’s inhaler.
Next morning, in a hotel room, a man (we had seen in the previous episode too but had no dialogue) reads Pan cosmetic’s proposal. Meanwhile, Nadya repeats instructions to Olya asking her not to talk to any strange person in the party and to sing for grandmother, Tamara. On the other hand, Ira thinks of how she will punish Nadya for coming to her house.
At a cafe, Tamara tells Ira that she has invited Igor and his family for her birthday party and that even though Igor’s father is in the hospital he has agreed to make it to the party. Just then, Lucia walks in with bags full of champagne, candies, and cakes. Tamara tells her to distribute the goodies amongst her college kids to which Lucia feels concerned because doing so will make her late for the birthday party. Tamara sighs that though today is her birthday there is absolutely no one to help her. Lucia quickly tells her that she will do it and leaves.
Igor is outside Nadya’s house with balloons, flowers and a gift when he receives a message from Nadya saying that she will be out for a relatives’ birthday. Igor is amazed that Nadya remembers her relatives’ birthday but not her own. He leaves her gift with a note at her window.
Ira stops Nadya and Olya outside her house and orders them to leave saying that nobody invited them and that they are here only to extort money from her father. Nadya tells her that they are not here for any money and that they only want to wish her grandma. Ira then throws money in Nadya’s face and tells her to never come close to her house. Nadya explains to Ira that her mother and Ira’s father have been in love for the past several years to which Ira retorts that had that been the case her father would not have married her mother 25 years ago. Also, had her mother not died, Nadya’s mother would never have stood a chance with her father. Their argument is interrupted by a guest who Ira escorts into her house.
At the hospital, Igor’s stepmother is nagging her husband for wanting to go to a party despite being unwell. He tells her that he never breaks his promise and will go at any cost. He asks Igor about his plans of introducing his fiancée to him when his daughter Rita scolds him for wanting to do too many things at the same time without caring about his health.
Nadya and Olya get inside the house and wish Tamara by singing for her but she inconsiderately walks off in the middle of the song. Nicolai spots Nadya and Olya and takes them in for the party.
As the host brings the cake, Ira opens Olya’s pet rat’s cage and pushes Olya. As Olya stumbles, her pet rat falls off and she runs to catch him when she accidently bumps into the cake dropping it onto the floor. Tamara shouts at Olya for ruining the cake as the guests squeal in horror over the missing rat. Angry, Tamara tells Nadya and Olya to leave the party right away.
Lucia calls up Nadya who tells her all that happened and why they were thrown out of the party. Lucia slumps on a sofa in despair.
Back at the party grandma Tamara manages to convince Igor to spend some lone time with Ira saying that Ira doesn’t have a lot of friends and that they can be good friends. Igor and Irina start to leave when Rita also joins them.
At home, Nadya gives the gift and balloon left by Igor to Olya saying that it was for her, to cheer her up. Nadya reads the note loudly and Olya comes to know that it is Nadya’s birthday and she insists on celebrating it. Nadya opens her gift to see a beautiful pair of diamond earrings.
At the party, Rita teases her brother, Igor to be cautious as someone seems to be after him, hinting at the starry-eyed Irina standing behind them. Igor notices that his seat is next to Irina’s. And Irina looks surprised saying that ‘is this real or just a coincidence’ to which Rita laughs while Igor rolls his eyes. Just then, Igor receives a text message from Nadya thanking him for the gift and he leaves the party in a hurry.
Igor, Nadya, and Olya celebrate Nadya’s birthday in mall where Igor sings Happy Birthday for Nadya on a stage ending it with a sweet ‘I Love You’ (aww…..Now I am convinced that this show has been inspired by a KDrama. Long Live KDRAMAS!!!!).
Igor and Nadya put Olya to sleep and Nadya offers to see off Igor when Igor holds her and tells her that his father is ailing and wants to meet his fiancé i.e. Nadya. She looks nervous but he assures her that his father will like her. He says that they know each other since college and that they should get married now. He goes on one knee to propose to her when she stops him and tells him about the loan shark harassing her.
She tells him that she wants to marry him but not before finding a job. He tells her to assume that he is the General Manager of Pan Cosmetic and asks her what would she do then? She replies that even then she wouldn’t take his help. She likes him because he is a regular person like her. They can be together because they are alike. He doesn’t say much and kisses her goodnight. In his mind, he resolves to tell her the truth the next day.
Next morning, Ira is sulking at Igor leaving the party without telling her goodbye. Grandma Tamara tells her not to worry too much as Ira will certainly be married to Igor someday and that she has already planned to gift them a big house for their wedding.
Nadya receives another threat message from the loan shark and she immediately heads to Oksana aunty’s booth. At the booth, Nadya meets Oksana’s son, Grishka (This is what his name sounds like I am not sure of the spelling) who is drinking at the booth. He casts lecherous glances at Nadyaand Oliya before telling her that he isn’t aware of his mother’s whereabouts. Nadya tells him to inform his mother that she was looking for her and leaves with Olya. Grishka asks the neighbouring booth person to keep an eye on his booth as he secretly follows Nadya and Olya.
At the threshold, Nadya remembers that she hasn’t bought bread as Grishka discreetly looks over, from a distance. She asks Olya to go in the house as she leaves to get some bread. Grishka gets into Nadya’s house with a duplicate key and tries to touch Olya inappropriately. Nadya is at the door when she hears Olya scream.
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