Snowdrop: Episode 8

Show Title: Snowdrop

Country: Ukraine

Channel: Zee Zindagi

Timings: Monday to Saturday 9 pm



Written Update: Episode 8

Snowdrop Episode 8

Ira and Nadya return home together. Ira informs grandma Tamara and her father, Nicolai about Mr. Panin’s failing health. Nicolai feels worried for Mr. Panin and decides to pay him a visit next day.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Nadya visits her mom in her bedroom as she notices her mother looking stressed. She asks Lucia if everything is fine to which Lucia replies that she is fine and just needs to rest a little. Nadya wishes her goodnight and leaves the room only to cry silent tears in her room. She gently caresses Olya who is fast asleep. She whispers to Olya to lend her one good dream from her box of beautiful dreams.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Lucia tells Nicolai about his mother calling her a maid in front of her friends. She asks him if that is what she was to them. Nicolai tries to pacify Lucia saying that his mother isn’t a bad woman just a little stubborn. Lucia tells him that Tamara told her to win Ira’s heart as she will never accept her as her daughter-in-law. Nicolai is upset listening to this and goes to talk to his mother.


Snowdrop Episode 8 The moment Nicolai enters his mom’s room she instantly taunts him for being there to talk about Lucia. He tells his mother that for her sake he left Lucia 25 years ago. He asks her to be nice to Lucia since she’s lead a tough life till now. Tamara says that ‘you reap as you sow’ and that Lucia’s suffering is her own doing. Nicolai objects saying that her husband was murdered and how can that be her fault. He firmly tells her that Lucia is his first love and that he will certainly marry her. Tamara tells him that he can marry Lucia but only with Ira’s consent and that she will disown him if he marries Lucia without Ira’s approval.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Nadya makes a list of people who could benefit by putting her in trouble and she zeroes in on Maria who was the only person who knew that Nadya had the password to the secret files. But then she contemplates over it as the time the mail was sent Maria was at a party and that she was alone in the office. She then comes to the conclusion that there was someone other than her at the office. She sees a ray of hope as she finds a way to find out who the real culprit was.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Rita meets competitor Maxim at a restaurant and asks him to close the matter between the two companies. She offers him money but he asks for something more than that. He tells her that he will suppress the matter only if she halts the release of her new product. He tells her that his company has been working on a new line of products, which is scheduled for release sometime around her new product’s launch.

See also  Snowdrop: Episode 1


Snowdrop Episode 8

At the office, Nadya is banned from entering Pan cosmetics. She pleads her colleagues Maria and Svetlana to help her but they chastise her for tarnishing their department’s image. Just then, Irina walks in and Nadya asks her to help her out who asks about the problem.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Maxim hands Rita an agreement and assures her that if she cancels her new product launch, he will destroy all the evidences against Nadya. Rita relents and signs the agreement.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Nadya tells Ira that there is a way to prove her innocence. She tells her that the day the mail was sent from her ID there was someone other than her present in the office. She says she just wants to look at the CCTV footage to know who did that but the problem is that the security deletes the footage after two days. Ira asks her if she knows of any other way to nab the culprit and Nadya tells her that for now this is the only way. Ira says she will look into the CCTV footage and let her know. Nadya calls Maxim to inquire about the time the message was sent from her mobile and he tells her that the matter is solved as Rita has agreed to cancel the product launch.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Rita walks in and asks the security to get rid of Nadya and to never let her in the office premises again. Nadya requests her to take a look at the CCTV footage or at least call the police to investigate the case. Rita tells Nadya that she has no idea what she had to do to shut the case and asks her to get lost. Oleg has been witnessing the entire scene but leaves without a word. Rita informs her team that they will have to halt work on their new products for the time being. She tells them that she had to close Nadya’s matter as their competitors could use it against them to ruin the company’s image.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Ira (That teal dress and blue jacket fit her like a glove. I want that outfit too.) is worried about being caught in the CCTV footage so she calls a friend of hers and asks her if she can edit a video for her. She tells her that the video is needed to surprise a friend at a birthday party.

See also  Snowdrop: Episode 17


Snowdrop Episode 8

Nadya speaks to Igor on the phone and he tells her that she may not be able to solve the office problem alone to which she tells him that she has asked Ira for help and that she has agreed to look into the matter. He tells her that he will still send his lawyer to help her sort out the matter.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Ira obtains the video from the security personnel and asks Nadya to meet her in the cafeteria. Ira tries to dissuade Nadya from pursuing the matter any further but Nadya doesn’t seem to budge. She tells Ira that if she gives up now, people will think she was really trying to sell the company’s secret. She says its very important she proves her innocence. Ira gives up and gets up saying to herself that she will see to it that Nadya never enters the company again.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Irina receives the edited video from her friend while Nadya meets Igor’s lawyer in the cafe. The lawyer assures her to look into the matter thoroughly and check for all the camera footages.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Rita remembers Nadya’s pleas for checking the CCTV footage and she rushes out of the room. Igor’s lawyer is checking the company’s CCTV footage when he receives a call and misses the part where Ira walks in behind Nadya in her room. He leaves the security room without seeing the footage. Meanwhile, Ira tries to reach Rita with the edited CCTV footage but she isn’t there in her room. She chases Rita and hands her the edited CCTV footage and tells her that Nadya is the culprit as the CCTV footage also shows so.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Polina is having a massage when she receives a phone call informing her that Mr. Panin is preparing his will. Polina informs Oleg about the new development and Oleg leaves work immediately. His colleagues berate him for his laid back attitude when he hands them his resignation and asks them to give it to Rita as they gape at him wide eyed.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Rita checks the CCTV footage given by Ira and sees that no one other than Nadya was present in the office at the time the mail was sent. Ira then tries to suck up to Rita but Rita ignores her and leaves the cabin.


Snowdrop Episode 8

As Oleg leaves the office he recalls Nadya pleading Rita to check the CCTV footage. He then decides to check the CCTV footage where he sees Ira enter the cabin after Nadya leaves to visit the washroom. He smirks to himself as realises that Ira has been behind all the problem.

See also  Snowdrop: Episode 23


Snowdrop Episode 8

Igor speaks with Irina who tells him that all the evidences are against Nadya which is why she has been barred from entering the office. Igor’s lawyer walks in and informs him of his father’s decision to notarise his will. Polina walks in behind him and pretends to not know anything about the will as Igor eyes her suspiciously. He asks Polina if she has deliberately framed Nadya. Polina is disgusted by his question and she reprimands him for his attitude.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Grandma Tamara pays a surprise visit to Irina’s office. She tells Irina that she wants her to accompany her to the hospital to meet Igor’s father to seek his blessings for Igor and Irina’s marriage. Irina changes the topic and tells her that she is worried about Nadya as she is involved in illegal work. Tamara is shocked to know of the stuff that Nadya is being accused of.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Nadya manages to speak with Oleg and requests him to check the CCTV footage for the day the mail was sent. He thinks to himself that despite being Igor’s girlfriend, she is asking him for help and he crushes Nadya’s hopes by saying that he doesn’t have a magic wand to help her. Just then she receives a call from Igor who asks her to wait at the company as he will be there in a few minutes.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Tamara confronts Lucia criticizing her daughter Nadya and her upbringing. She tells her that Nadya has committed fraud against the company for some quick bucks.


Snowdrop Episode 8

In the hospital, the lawyer gives Polina a copy of Mr. Panin’s recorded will and takes the original copy with him to notarize it. Mr. Panin tells Polina that he has prepared his will and he wants Igor to take care of his business as he will make a good leader. Polina rolls her eyes at his suggestion. He continues asking her to look after Rita as she loves her a lot.


Snowdrop Episode 8

Igor arrives at the office and asks her for all the details of the case. Mr. Panin tells Polina how much he regrets ruining Igor and Rita’s childhood as Polina cuts in and tells him that she has something to share that might shock him. She tells him that she knows the truth behind his wife’s disappearance and Mr. Panin gasps in shock.


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Snowdrop: Episode 9


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Snowdrop: Episode 7


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