The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed Review: The Bitter Tale Of A Fierce Heroine
After weeks of reading chick-lit novels where guys are sweet, charming, loving, caring, and loyal a book like this was needed to bring me out of my mushy love world. ‘The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed’ is the first book in a trilogy that it deals with love, betrayal, and revenge. In this book, author Kritika Sharma brings you a story full of deceit and connive. It follows the life of a girl named Ishana Khatri who cannot tolerate anyone slut-shaming her. The reason for her losing temper on the word ‘slut’ is explained through the course of the book. For a romance binger like me, this book was more of a jolt to open my eyes and shake off the dramatic corny love I have been indulging in for so long. It took me two sittings to finish this book and here is what I feel about.
The Slut Chronicles by Kritika Sharma
Publisher: Kalamos Literary Services LLP
The celebrity Ishana may be one of the most sought-after faces today but no one really knows who she is and where she has come from. Freelance writer, Ravi Mehra approaches her to know about her and her backstory. He is curious to know why despite being famous and into philanthropic work people still call her a ‘slut’. Ishana opens up to him narrating her teenage life when she was trapped in the shackles of an abusive mother and was looking for a reason to smile in life. She tells him how she has been paying the price for being beautiful and naïve in this manipulative world.
I LIKE The Slut Chronicles Because,
…the author had me completely gripped with her crisp writing and fast-paced story-telling. When I read the blurb of this book I thought the story might be inspired from movies where innocent young girls with dreams in their eyes come to a big city and after facing some harsh reality turn against the devious world for shredding their innocence for pleasure. But thankfully this book was nothing of that sort (me and my preconceived notions. Ugh!). At least the first book did not delve into Ishana’s career path because it majorly dealt with her teenage years. The book starts a little slow where we see the protagonist fight off a misbehaving man for slut-shaming. The main story begins with Ishana talking about her teenage years. While reading the development of Ishana’s first love I would often end up smiling to myself because it would kind of remind me of my teenage crushes and how stupidly I would behave in front of them. Today’s cell phone addict teenagers will never understand the joy of exchanging hand-written notes and letters. Had this book been a simple love story, I would have really rooted for Ishana and Dev. However, this book is more of a ‘hate’ story as Dev is not your typical romantic hero. Once the plot starts unfurling you are slowly drawn into it completely. Ishana’s life is painful and shocking. The kind of people she meets, bring out the worst in her. And this is just the beginning. Though I did roll my eyes on instances that seemed too far-fetched there was nothing unconvincing about the story or the characters. Men can be real selfish jerks and this book shows just that.
…I like Ishana who refuses to be a victim of a duplicitous philanderer. It is sad she falls into the alluring trap of ‘one true love’ but when she comes to her senses she knows how to tackle those who wrong her. Of course, in one case she goes overboard and much beyond my imagination but that is just a part of the drama this book offers. The way she overcomes her weakness justifies her bold image and I am looking forward to reading more about her.
I Do NOT Like The Slut Chronicles Because,
…there is a lot of ‘barking’ in the book. All the characters in the book happen to ‘bark’ more than usual. By bark I mean whenever the writer wanted to show a character’s aggressiveness she has used the word ‘bark’ to express it. She does this on multiple occasions. I would prefer a ‘snap’ or a ‘growl’ or a ‘snarl’ or even a ‘shout’ the word bark kind of annoyed me. However, this does not serve as a reason to not read the book. Also, I read the uncorrected proof copy so maybe the final version might have less repetition of the word.
…I hated the journalist Ravi Mehra’s conversations with Ishana. Ravi constantly behaved like a star-struck teenager gasping either in awe of Ishana or with shock. His reactions to her story felt superficial. I hope the writer does something about him in the next book in this series because I jumped through most of his conversation. I could not stand Ravi a bit and I hope he disappears in the following books.
Final View: The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed is engrossing because of author Kritika Sharma’s good-writing and narration. If you like bitter but true tales of life then go for this one.
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**This book is a free PR copy sent by the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
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