Thirty-two Going On Spinster Review: All The Single Ladies Out There Be Prepared To Laugh Out Loud
Never have I ever related to a book to an extent that it felt more like my biography than a piece of fiction. I am not thirty yet but I still see myself in Julia. Everything she says, she fears, she questions is something I feel too which is why her character feels so real, so me. This could also be because of the fact the Julia and I have both been eternally single so we share the same insecurities. If you glance through my book review section you will know that I do not have a lot of chick-lit books there. I occasionally do indulge in some decent chick-lit novels but I’m not crazy about it. But after reading this book not only did I download the other two books in the series but I also read another chick-lit book by another author. I downloaded this book only because it was available for free on my kindle. And I am so glad I read it. I thoroughly enjoyed Thirty-two Going On Spinster and here are my reasons for loving this book.
Thirty-two Going On Spinster by Becky Monson
Publisher: Exclusive Publishing
Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her job, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie.
With the arrival of Jared Moody, the new hire at work, Julia’s mundane life is suddenly turned upside down. Her instant (and totally ridiculous) crush on the new guy causes Julia to finally make some long-overdue changes, in hopes to find a life that includes more than baking and hanging out with Charlie.
But when the biggest and most unexpected change comes, will the new and improved Julia be able to overcome it? Or will she go back to her spinster ways?
(Blurb as on
I LIKE Thirty-two Going On Spinster Because,
…Julia is me. I am Julia. Seriously! I have been consuming fiction for years but never found a heroine who was just like me. Julia is the first female-lead who resonated with me. I am still in my twenties but I know how it feels to be single all your life. I know how it feels to be stuck in a job that does not motivate you in any way. I know how it feels to work for someone who does not value your work. I know how it feels to feel insecure about a job. And I also know how much fun tea breaks are when you have a close friend to gossip with. I basically have gone through all that Julia experiences in the book. Stuff that Julia says in the book may seem idiotic to most people but those who have been in a similar position will know exactly how she feels.
…Julia is hilarious and I laughed my guts out while reading this book. In the book, Julia is thirty-two years old (yeah I know its mentioned in the title itself) but she reacts to her crushes like a teenage girl. Her excitement or nervousness may seem unconvincing for those who have had reasonable exposure to dating men but for ladies like us, who have absolutely no experience in dating or even flirting it is natural to feel giddy in front of an extremely handsome man. I too feel tongue-tied before someone who makes my heart race. These jitters come naturally to shy and introverted people.
…I loved the character development we see in Julia. After being happily stuck in a rut for almost a decade, Julia is finally pushed out of her comfort zone but she survives. Not just survives but also thrives. And I love her for that. After resisting change all her life, when she is confronted with the rudest disruption she manages to sail through it. This accidental discovery of a new passion in life is what makes Julia such a lovely positive character.
…I liked the romance in this book. Jared is a typical hero you find in romance novels i.e. he is smart, rich, and looks devastatingly gorgeous. Julia and his story follows the hate-to-love trope that I enjoy reading the most. I little romance is a funny book is always what I look forward to and this book did not disappoint me at all.
I Do NOT Like Thirty-two Going On Spinster Because,
…naaaah… I LOVED this book. I loved it so much that I felt envious of the author for writing such a cool book.
Favourite Quotes in Thirty-two Going On Spinster
“Excuses are like backsides. Everybody’s got one, and they all stink.”
“I would say this is the most romantic night of my life ever if I didn’t already know it was not meant to be romantic on his part, and if I wasn’t a future spinster. I will have to recreate this with my cat.”
“Spinster Recipe 1 Pair of Cellulite Thighs 1 None-Social Life 1 Very Bad Sense of Style 1 Single-Wide Trailer (or Parents’ Basement) 1 Cat (or more, according to taste) 1 Lack of Motivation
Directions: Mix together and then cry yourself to sleep.”
“And why does my mom make me sound like some sort of mentally handicapped child? Is that how she thinks of me? Really?”
“What part of “put me on a project with Jared” meant “put me on a super-secret project with his boss?” Stupid Universe. Stupid book.”
“I haven’t had time. I’ve been sitting around all day waiting for the mail,” she says as she wipes her nose on the sleeve of her sweatshirt. I get up and go down the hall to the bathroom to get some tissue because that’s disgusting, and what is even more disgusting is it’s my sweatshirt. I’ll have to burn it.”
“Now that I think about it, though, I should be acting more like I have plans tonight and need to hurry it up. Honestly, what kind of girl has no plans on a Friday night and can devote extra time to her job? The spinster kind, that’s who.”
“I frown, annoyed that there are people like us in every company. How unoriginal of us.”
Final View: Thirty-two Going On Spinster is silly, amusing, and romantic. It is the perfect chick-lit book for every single young lady out there. If you enjoy devouring chick-lit novels then grab this one right away. Trust me, Julia will keep you entertained throughout her story.
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