U-Prince The Series: The Single Lawyer: Episode 3
The episode starts with Firstclass reporting for the U-Report and giving some tips on how to memorize better but just as he starts listing his points, Minute starts playing some song on her phone. She even sings loudly which irks Firstclass. They argue over it till Firstclass is forced to take her phone away until he completes the vlog.
BM helps Pitcher with the hairdryer and the two men share a sweet moment together. However, the moment Pitcher steps out of the house, BM surreptitiously calls Minute and tells her that he will be coming to pick her up. BM then goes for a shower unaware that Pitcher has secretively heard his conversation with Minute.
Minute recalls last night’s incident when Firstclass kissed her after admitting his feelings for her. She feels mortified wondering how to face him now.
Just then, Firstclass knocks on her door. She opens the door and they both look evidently awkward. She then greets him in the usual manner and he starts with apologising for what happened last night.
She quickly accepts his apology and takes responsibility for provoking him. He asks her if she wants him to drop her to the university and she informs him that BM will be there to pick her up. He tells her that he has an appointment in the evening so their manner class stands cancelled for now. BM arrives just in time to pick Minute and they both leave in front of Firstclass.
BM notes that Minute is unusually quiet and implores her to tell him the reason why she has been behaving weirdly since morning. BM evades his question and instead asks him if Firstclass really never had a girlfriend. BM is not aware of it and is surprised to know that Firstclass spoke to her about himself. He points out that Firstclass speaking to her so openly implies that he must be comfortable with her. She tells him that she finds it hard to believe that Firstclass has never dated before and BM justifies that his brother is afraid of love. He says that he does not want to become like their father (have two wives).
She then asks him if Firstclass can fall for someone like her. Her question surprises BM and he asks her if she likes Firstclass. She quickly blurts that it was Firstclass who confessed his feelings for her. BM looks clearly disturbed but feigns excitement and tells her to be happy to have the perfect guy fall for her.
BM then sees Pitcher walk up to him. He asks to have a word with him. Pitcher asks him if he still feels for Minute. BM feels flustered and is unable to meet his eye.
Firstclass meets Noey over lunch and tells her that they should stop meeting. Stunned, Noey wants to know the reason and Firstclass tells her that he has found the girl he wants to live with and that he realised he does not have feelings for Noey. (Huh? ‘Feelings’? They were never dating, right? Then why is he breaking up with her?)
Hiding her emotions Noey asks who the girl is and he tells her that he likes Minute (what else will a watch collector like anyway ;)). She expresses her displeasure over his choice but he pays no heed to her. He then pays the bill and leaves the restaurant (Ugh!! He wasted so much food. Grrrrrrrrrr…..)
Minute returns to an empty house and wonders if Firstclass really likes her considering his lunch date with a girl. She hears a knock on the door and leaps to her feet only to be disappointed to see BM instead of Firstclass at the door. BM looks brings a bottle of wine with him and asks to share a drink with her. BM gulps the wine in one go and sounds very melancholy so Minute asks him if he has had a fight with Pitcher. He admits to it and tells her that he feels totally confused now. She consoles him and he asks her if it is ok for him to get drunk for once. She shows no objection and together they talk about their problems as they drink. While talking BM, now clearly drunk, tells her that he is sure of his feelings and Minute consoles him saying that she will always be there for him. He then asks to hug her, and she happily opens her arms for her friend. He weeps in her arms as she rubs his shoulders. He then confesses his feelings for her which takes her by complete surprise. He asks her for an answer and she seems confused so he forcibly kisses her. She pushes him away and slaps him hard across his face. She reminds him that she is his friend and he indignantly asks her if she never felt anything for him in the past ten years. She reminds him that he is drunk and should not behave that way with her but he is insistent. He then forces himself on her. Minute manages to push him away and flee from the room. In the corridor, she bumps into Firstclass and hides behind him begging him to rescue her from BM.
He gives her his room card and asks to wait there as he talks to BM. After she leaves Firstclass slaps BM and reprimands him for his sickening behaviour.
Scared and shaken, Minute walks into Firstclass’s room and quivers silently in the dark. Firstclass switches on the light for her and tells her to stay in his room for the night. She asks about BM and he tells her that he too drunk to even speak right now so he will be staying in Minute’s room.
He asks her what happened between them and she answers that BM was upset over his fight with Pitcher so he came to have a drink with her. She says that he then confessed his feelings for her. Taken aback, Firstclass asks her what she feels for BM and she says she is not sure as it all happened too quickly. (Huh? Not sure? Even after all that happened, she is still not sure? hehehe Drama heroines! When will you stop teasing the poor hero?) Annoyed and restless, he asks her if does not understand her own heart and she repeats that she is confused.
He says what she feels right now is the answer to her question. Since he is so openly asking about her relation with BM she takes the oppurtunity to ask him about his relationship with Noey. He does not give her a straight answer and tells her that she should ask herself this question.
Later, Minute requests Firstclass to stand guard outside her washroom so she can take a shower without having to worry about BM barging into her room in a drunken state. After a pleasant shower Minute steps out of the bathroom in her towel completely forgetting that Firstclass is waiting outside. She opens her towel to adjust it and Firstclass drops his book to the floor in utter shock. (hahaha His reaction was the best!!) She gasps in horror before asking him if he saw it and he denies seeing anything. She calls him out on his lie but offers no answer. He nonchalantly walks back to his room while she squirms wondering how she will face him again.
Hiding her face behind a cushion she stealthily enters his room unaware that he is right behind her. He bends to ask her what she is up to and she turns that very instant gluing his lips to the other side of the cushion.
He asks her to take down the cushion and she says she prefers talking this way. He smiles knowing she is feeling embarrassed and tells her to sleep in his room while he sleeps on the couch.
Later, in a typical drama style, she steps out of the room and finds Firstclass sleeping peacefully on the couch. She gazes at him and says that this is the only time when he does not look grumpy like always. She pulls the comforter over him and sits on the couch beside him recalling the time when he saved her from some goons troubling her. She sits gazing at him and falls asleep on the couch.
Next morning, Minute wakes up on the couch and notices a comforter over her. Firstclass walks in and she instantly hides behind the comforter. He informs her that he will be leaving early so she will have to go to the university herself and she answers with a hand gesture indicating that she is cool with it.
At a café, BM checks his phone and sees 22 missed calls from Pitcher. He remembers his last conversation with him in which he tells Pitcher that he is still confused about his feeling for Minute. Pitcher says that his confusion itself is the answer. Had he really liked Pitcher he would never have felt confused just like Pitcher who is totally sure of his feelings for BM.
Firstclass meets with Teddy and hands him the contract he drafted for him. Firstclass asks him to stay back and Teddy says that he has a date with his girlfriend. Firstclass requests him to cancel it this once.
At the Squash court, Minute is surprised to see Kiryu (Aye! That’s Neo from the Secret Seven Series 🙂 ), probably the guy she liked before.
They exchange pleasantries and Minute asks if she can talk with him and he looks happy to oblige. We then see Minute and Firstclass simultaneously share their feelings for each other with Kiryu and Teddy respectively. They both express how opposite they are from each other and how BM is complicating their relationship. Both the friends offer the same advice of confessing their true feeling to the respective person.
BM opens his slam book filled with his and Minute’s pictures. He remembers asking her to fill the last page of the book which is reserved for the special someone in his life and she tells him to offer that page to someone else instead. He then admits to himself that Minute had given her answer that time itself.
Firstclass sits to repair Minute’s watch when he hears a knock on his door. He opens the door to Noey and next we see Minute walking in on Firstclass and Noey in a compromising position.
Whaaaaaaaat? This Noey twist was expected especially after her reaction following the ‘break-up’ at the restaurant. That restaurant scene was funniest in this episode. Firstclass takes the trouble to take Noey to a fancy restaurant only to ‘break-up’ with her. But what I didn’t understand was that why did he ‘break-up with her when they weren’t even dating? OK, Firstclass is aware that Noey likes him and he does not want to lead her on but why is he breaking up with her? Can’t he tell her to back-off and offer friendship instead? Can’t they be ‘just friends’? He could have just told her about Minute and then turned down her future advances. Why break-up like this with her?
Coming to BM, I found him even more annoying in this episode. He gets on my nerves. And so does Minute sometimes. She has been friends with him for over ten years and she is ‘not sure’ of what she feels for him. Really girl? Do you really not know what you feel for the two boys? Such a typical drama heroine. Always confused.
Feature Image Courtesy: GMM One
Screengrabs Courtesy: GMM One
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You can watch this episode on YouTube @GMMTV.
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